Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Saa P.A. (2022) Rational Metabolic Pathway PredictionDesign: Computational ToolsTheir Applications for Yeast Systems and Synthetic Biology. In: Darvishi Harzevili F. (eds) Synthetic Biology of Yeasts. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89680-5_1 (2022)

Rational Metabolic Pathway Prediction and Design: Computational Tools and Their Applications for Yeast Systems and Synthetic Biology

Revista : Synthetic Biology of Yeast
Páginas : 3-25
Tipo de publicación : Otros Ir a publicación


Continuous progress in metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories like yeast requires the support of computational tools for finding novel unintuitive biotransformations routes. In this chapter, a succinct overview is provided of the most relevant computational tools for pathway prediction by retro-biosynthesis, and pathway design through stoichiometry-based optimization methods. Illustrative case studies are also presented showcasing different strategies for pathway optimization in yeast, namely redox cofactor balancing, improved precursor supply, and heterologous expression of carbon fixation pathways. Finally, challenges and limitations hindering the broad adoption and implementation of these tools for metabolic engineering will be discussed.