Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Domarchi, C. y Ortúzar, J. de D. (2021) A geography of road transport in cities. En R. Vickerman (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Vol. 5, 300-305. Elsevier, Londres. (2022)

A geography of road transport in cities

Volumen : 5
Páginas : 300-305
Tipo de publicación : Otros Ir a publicación


This chapter presents and discusses a hierarchy of road transport modes for urban trips, their relevance, and the roles each can play in a sustainable urban system, giving special emphasis to public transport modes. To illustrate the need for planning flexible and varied systems, we then discuss the role of paratransit modes; in many countries, these scarcely regulated modes complement the supply of the formal public transport system and have special attributes that are highly valued by their users. Finally, as a case study, we introduce the Chilean shared taxi, a partially regulated mode that shares some of the fundamental characteristics of paratransit and plays an increasingly important role in many Chilean cities.