Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Onubi H., Carpio M., Azian F., Binwai P. (2023)

Bridging the gap between health and safety performance and owner’s satisfaction in construction projects adopting pro-environmental construction practices: role of economic performance

Volumen : 30
Número : 21
Páginas : 59844-59860
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


The satisfaction of clients/owners, though very important as a determinant of construction project performance, has often been given very little attention in pro-environmental-related studies. To this end, this study’s aim is to determine how owner’s satisfaction (OS) can be realized via health and safety performance (HSP) and economic performance (EP) on construction projects that adopt pro-environmental construction practices (PCP) in Nigeria and to determine how the impact of HSP on OS can vary contingent on the level of EP. This study’s aim was realized through data obtained from a survey of 249 construction projects and analyzed by adopting the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results of this study signify that HSP has a significant positive effect on OS; the nexus between HSP and OS is partially mediated by EP, while EP moderates the HSP-OS link with high EP producing the stronger effect. The practical contributions of this research emanate from the fact that its findings show that the existing gap between the level of HSP and OS is partly due to EP. Also, projects with high EP have a greater influence on the HSP-OS relationship. Therefore, to bridge the gap between HSP and OS in construction projects that adopt PCP, due attention should be given to EP.