Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Fe-Perdomo I., Ramos J. (2023)

An insight into adiabatic efficiency hybrid modeling in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion of 316L stainless steel Reply

Volumen : 161
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


This study investigates the effect of printing parameters on the adiabatic efficiency of 316L-produced samples by combining analytical and machine-learning relationships into one final assessment criterion. This model explains the observed progress in processing material rates of the laser-based powder bed fusion process by considering the laser power, scan speed, hatch distance, layer thickness, and building time. It proposes a correction to the overall thermodynamic efficiency by the percentual relative mass density to quantify the actual mass rate performance. The empirical approach was validated through complementary experimentation, achieving a relative mean absolute error of 6.77%. Furthermore, the predicted efficiency values showed a narrow deviation from the experimental ones, confirming the suitability of the applied regression technique. Finally, it was found that the obtained results fall within the acceptable range of the already published studies; however, this work extends the analysis to a flexible but effective modeling framework.