Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Renewable Energy 195 637-647
Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment
Cortés J., Lucero F., Suarez L.,
Escauriaza C., Navarrete S.A., Tampier G., Cifuentes C.,
Cienfuegos R., Manriquez D., Parragué B., Osiadacz N., Finke R. (2022)
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 9 1249
Ocean Engineering 222 108584
C. Oberli, J. Gironás, C. Escauriaza, and R. Cienfuegos, Sistemas de monitoreo y alerta temprana (SMAT), un elemento esencial en la gestión de desastres de origen hidrometeorológico, policy paper ISBN: 978-956-14-2800-3, CIGIDEN, 2021. (2021)
C. Oberli, R. Guerrero, J. Gironás, C. Escauriaza, S. Barros, and J. P. de Villers Grandchamps, Experimental assessment of the robustness of a wireless sensor network used for early warning of flash floods, in Proc. Joint International Resilience Conference, Nov. 2020. (2020)
Proc. Joint International Resilience Conference
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 32613277
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 221-241
Energies 12 20 3861
Ocean Engineering 181 71-88
Energies 12 16 3188
Barría, P.; Cruzat, M.L.; Cienfuegos, R.; Gironás, J.; Escauriaza, C.; Bonilla, C.; Moris, R.; Ledezma, C.; Guerra, M.; Rodríguez, R.; Torres, A. From Multi-Risk Evaluation to Resilience Planning: The Case of Central Chilean Coastal Cities. Water 2019, 11 (2019)
Water 11 3 572
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 24 11 1-13
Geomorphology 341 4664
Science of the Total Environment 652 822-835
Link O., Mignot E. Roux S. Camenen B. Escauriaza C. Chauchat J. Brevis W. Manfreda S. (2019)
Water 11 8 1656
Geomorphology 306 182-197
Link O., Castillo C., Pizarro A., Rojas A., Ettmer B.,
Escauriaza C. and Salvatore M. (2017)
Journal of Hydraulic Research 55 3 310-323
Wilcox, A.,
Escauriaza, C. Agredano, R., Mignot, E., Zuazo, V., Otárola, S., Castro, L.,
Gironás, J.,
Cienfuegos, R. (2017). An integrated analysis of the March 2015 Atacama floods. AGU Champman Conference, Puerto Rico, 2017. (2017)
AGU Champman Conference
González C., Richter D.H., Bolster D., Bateman S., Calantoni J. and
Escauriaza C. (2017)
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 17 1 111-137
Chemosphere 180 574-583
Aguilera, J.C.,
Escauriaza, C., Passalacqua, P.,
Gironás, J. (2017). Expression for time travel based on diffusive wave theory: applicability and considerations. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017, USA. (2017)
AGU Fall Meeting
Raveau M.P.,
Escauriaza C., Dolder C.N., Wilson P.S. and Feuillade C. (2017)
Journal of The Acoustical Society of America 141 3 2191-2203
Mignot E., Cai W., Polanco J.I.,
Escauriaza C. and Riviere N. (2017)
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 17 3 429-448
Hydrological Processes 31 2 296-307
Geophysical Research Letters 43 15 8035-804343
Mignot E., Cai W., Launay G., Riviere N. and
Escauriaza C. (2016)
Physics of Fluids 28 18pp
Water 8 3 27 pp
Geomorphology 253 10-21
Water Air and Soil Pollution 227 73 20pp
Wilcox, A.,
Escauriaza, C., Agredano, R., Mignot, E.,
Gironás, J.,
Cienfuegos, R., Mao, L.(2015)Hydrogeomorphic Investigation of the 2015 Atacama Floods, Northern Chile. AGU Fall Meeting, SanFrancisco, December 2015, USA. (2015)
Water Resources Research 51 5 3181-3192
González, D., Escauriaza, C., Suárez, F. Desarrollo de un modelo tridimensional para estudiar el comportamiento de piscinas solares. XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica. Santiago, Chile. August 25-30, 2014 (2014)
XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica
González, D., Escauriaza, C., Suárez, F. Hacia un modelo tridimensional para representar la hidrodinámica de piscinas solares. XIII Jornadas de Mecánica Computacional. Curicó, Chile. October 2-3, 2014. (2014)
XIII Jornadas de Mecánica Computacional
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE
Science of the Total Environment 466-467 490-502
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 15 1881-1896
Awell-balanced finite volume non-linear shallow water equations model for extreme flood wave propagationrun-up.Guerra, M.,
Cienfuegos, R.,
Escauriaza, and Marche, F.4th International Conference in Coastal Engineering ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. 4th International Conference in Coastal Engineering ICCE 2012, Santander, Spain. (2012)
34th International Conference in Coastal Engineering ICCE 2012
Acta Geophysica 60 6 1689-1719
Lagrangian drifter modeling of an experimental rip current.Leandro Suarez, Rodrigo Cienfuegos, Cristian Escauriaza, Eric Barthélemy and Hervé Michallet.Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), waves.25. doi:10.9753/icce.v33.waves.25 (2012)
34th International Conference in Coastal Engineering ICCE 2012
Arsenic in the Environment, Cairns, Australia
Dorsaz, J.M.,
Gironás, J.A.,
Escauriaza, C.R., Rinaldo, A. (2011). Geomorphological characterization of endorheic basins in northern Chile. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011, USA. (2011)
Journal of Geophysical Research 116 F03007
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 666 36-76
Lobo S., Escauriaza C. and Celedón A. (2011)
Langmuir 27 6 2142-2145
Flow Turbulence and Combustion 86 2 231-262
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE 136 12 981-993
XXIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 641 169-193
Physics of Fluids 19 4 045107
Hydrogeology Journal 11 687-700