Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Osses P., Escobar R., del Río C., García R. and Vargas C. (2017)

El Clima desértico costero con nublados abundantes del desierto de Atacama y su relación con los recursos naturales energía solar y agua de niebla. Caso de estudio Alto Patache (20,5°S), región de Tarapacá, Chile

Revista : Revista de Geografia Norte Grande
Volumen : 68
Páginas : 33-48
Tipo de publicación : ISI


Considering the increase of water and energy requirements in arid zones, this work combine the presence of the coastal stratocumulus as a potential water resource and the behavior of solar radiation as an energy source. The aim is to know the relationships between attenuation of irradiance by fog typology (orographic or advective) and the yields of associated
fog water. September 2013 was analyzed using GOES satellite images, data from the Standard Fog Collector (SFC) and the radiometer located at the Atacama UC Station, Oasis de Niebla Alto Patache (20 ° 49 ‘S – 70 ° 09’O -800 m a.s.l.). Results show complementarity between the daily cycles of these resources and their productive hours of water and energy
(night and day) respectively. This research motivates subsequent studies on fog water and solar energy as complementary resources in line with implementing technologies for water treatment, management and distribution, as well as solar panel dust cleaning.