Sanabria P., Montoya S., Neyem A.,
Toro R., Hirsch M., Mateos C. (2024)
Applied Sciences-Basel 14 8
Villagran I., Hernandez R., Schuit G., Neyem A., Fuentes J., Larrondo L., Margozzini E., Hurtado M., Iriarte Z., Miranda C., Varas J.,
Hilliger I. (2024)
Journal of Learning Analytics 11 2
Alcocer J., Camacho-Jaimes H., Galindo-Gutierrez G., Neyem A., Bergel A., Ducasse S. (2024)
Journal of Computer Languages 79
Neyem A., Gonzalez L.,
Mendoza M., Alcocer J., Centellas L., Paredes C. (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 17 1639-1654
IEEE Access 11 69263-69281
IEEE International Conference on Software Visualization
Castellano M., Contreras-McKay I., Neyem H., Farfan E., Inzunza O., Ottone N., del Sol M., Alario-Hoyo C., Alvarado M., Tubbs R. (2023)
Belmar F., Gaete M.I., Escalona G., Carnier M., Durán V., Villagrán I., Asbun D., Cortés M., Neyem A., Crovari F., Alseidi A., Varas J. (2022)
Surgical Endoscopy
Castellano M. S., Contreras-McKay I., Neyem A., Inzunza O., Ottone N. E., del Sol M. (2022)
International Journal of Morphology 40 2 297-303
González L. A., Neyem A., Contreras?McKay I., Molina D. (2022)
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Ulloa G., Neyem H., Escalona G., Ortiz C., Varas J. (2022)
ABCD-Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva-Brazilian Archives of Digestive Surgery 35 1
Applied Sciences 12 14 7137
Villagrán, I. et al. (2022). What Kind and How Many?: Exploring Feedback in Remote Training of Procedural Skills in Physiotherapy. In: Hilliger, I., Muñoz-Merino, P.J., De Laet, T., Ortega-Arranz, A., Farrell, T. (eds) Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption. EC-TEL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13450. Springer, Cham. (2022)
Villagrán I., Moënne-Loccoz C., Aguilera V., García V., Reyes J.T., Rodríguez S., Miranda C., Altermatt R., Fuentes-López E., Delgado D., Neyem A. (2021)
PLOS One 16 4 12
Rojos F., Stambuk M., Neyem A., Farfán E., Insunza O. (2021)
International Journal of Morphology 39 4
Ramírez-Donoso L., Pérez-Sanagustín M., Neyem A., Alario-Hoyos C.,
Hilliger I., Rojos F. (2021)
Interactive Learning Environments 1-15
Sanabria P., Tapia T., Neyem A., Benedetto J.I., Hirsh M., Mateos C. Zunino A. (2021)
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing 2021 8899660 1-12
Montt D., Caro I., Neyem A., Inzunza O. (2020)
International Journal of Morphology 38 3
Ramírez-Donoso L., Pérez-Sanagustín M., Neyem A., Alario-Hoyos C., Hilliger I., Rojas F. (2020)
Interactive Learning Environments
Quezada J., Achurra P., Jarry C., Asbun D., Tejos R., Inzunza M., Ulloa G., Neyem A., Martinez C., Marino C., Escalona G., Varas J. (2019)
Surgical Endoscopy 1-8
Benedetto J.I., Gonález L.A., Sanabria P., Neyem A. and
Navón J. (2019)
Future Generation Computer Systems 92 424-437
Neyem A., Díaz-Mosquera J. and Benedetto J.I. (2018)
Mobile Information Systems 2018 16pp
Núñez D., Ferrada X., Neyem A., Serpell A., and
Sepúlveda M. (2018)
Applied Sciences-Basel 8 4 32pp
Sanabria, P., Benedetto, J.I., Neyem, A.,
Navon, J., Poellabauer, C.: Code Offloading Solutions for Audio Processing in Mobile Healthcare Applications: A Case Study. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Mobile Software Engineering and Systems Track, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018. (2018)
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Mobile Software Engineering and Sy
Benedetto J.I., Valenzuela G., Sanabria P., Neyem A.,
Navón J. and Poellabauer C. (2018)
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing 2018 18pp
Ramírez-Donoso L., Pérez-Sanagustín M. and Neyem A. (2018)
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26 5 1507-1518
Inzunza O., Neyem A., Sanz M.E., Valdivia I., Villarroel M., Farfán E., Matte A. and López-Juri P. (2017)
International Journal of Morphology 35 3 1168-1177
Ramírez-Donoso, L., Pérez-Sanagustín, M., Rojas-Riethmuller, J., Neyem, A.: Enhancing Collaborative Learning in Higher Education Online Courses through a Mobile Game App. IEEE 21st International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2017. (2017)
Juan D. Diaz-Mosquera, Pablo Sanabria, Andres Neyem, Denis Parra, Jaime Navon (2017) Enriching Capstone Project-based Learning Experiences using a Crowdsourcing Recommender Engine. Proceedings of the The 4th International Workshop onCrowd Sourcing in Software Engineering. Co-located at ICSE 2017. (2017)
Ramírez-Donoso L., Rojas-Riethmuller J.S., Pérez-Sanagustín M., Neyem A. and Alario-Hoyos C. (2017)
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 25 10 910-926
Benedetto, J.I., Neyem, A.,
Navon, J., Valenzuela, G.: Rethinking the Mobile Code Offloading Paradigm: From Concept to Practice. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MobileSoft), 2017. (2017)
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MobileSoft) (2017)
MobileSoft 2017
Andrés Neyem, Juan Diaz-Mosquera, Jorge Munoz-Gama, Jaime Navon: Understanding Student Interactions in Capstone Courses to Improve Learning Experiences. SIGCSE 2017: 423-428 (2017)
SIGCSE 2017 423-428
Risso N.A., Neyem A., Benedetto J.I., Carrillo M.J., Farías A., Gajardo M.J. and Loyola O. (2016)
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 63 45-53
Ferrada, X., Núñez, D., Neyem, A., Serpell, A. & Sepúlveda, M.: A Lessons-learned System for Construction Project Management: A Preliminary Application. Procedia Engineering, V. 226, 2016. (2016)
Procedia Engineering 164 135-142
Ferrada, X., Núñez, D., Neyem, A., Serpell, A. & Sepúlveda, M.: A Lessons-learned System for Construction Project Management: A Preliminary Application. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, V. 226, 2016. (2016)
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences - Indexed in SCOPUS 226 302309
Neyem A., Carrillo M.J., Jerez C., Valenzuela G., Risso N., Benedetto J.I. and Rojas-Riethmuller J.S. (2016)
Mobile Information Systems 2016 14pp
Neyem, A., Valenzuela, G., Risso, N., Rojas-Riethmuller, J. S., Benedetto, J. I., & Carrillo, M. J.: A Cloud-Based Mobile System for Improving Vital Signs Monitoring During Hospital Transfers. In Ubiquitous ComputingAmbient Intelligence. Sensing, Processing, and Using Environmental Information, Springer International Publishing, 2015. (2015)
Ferrada, X., Núñez, D., Neyem, A., Serpell, A. & Sepúlveda, M.: A lessons-learned system for construction project management: a preliminary application. International Project Managemet World Conference (IPMA), Panama, 2015. (2015)
Neyem, A., Risso, N. A., Carrillo, M. J., Farías, A., & Gajardo, M. J.: A Mobile Cloud Shared Workspace to Support Homecare for Respiratory Diseases in Chile. In Ambient Intelligence for Health, Springer International Publishing, 2015. (2015)
Bonacic, C., Neyem, A., & Vasquez, A.: Live ANDES: Mobile-Cloud Shared Workspace for Citizen Science and Wildlife Conservation. IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science (eScience), Munich, Germany, 2015. (2015)
Ximena Ferrada, Marcos Sepúlveda, Alfredo Serpell, Daniela NúñezAndrés Neyem (2014) A lessons-learned mobile system for construction companies: motivation and design, In: Hajdu, M.; Skibniewski, M. (Eds.) Procs Creative Construction Conference 2014, 21-24 June 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, pp.: 174-179. (2014)
Ferrada, X.,
Sepúlveda, M., Serpell, A., Núñez, D. and Neyem, A. (2014) Procedia Engineering, Volume 85, 2014, Pages 157165 (2014)
Procedia Engineering (Scopus) 85 157-165
Neyem, A., Benedetto, J.I., Chacon, A.F.: Improving Software Engineering Education through an Empirical Approach: Lessons Learned from Capstone Teaching Experiences. Proc. of the 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ACM Press, 2014. (2014)
Proc. of the XXXII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC)
Proceedings of the XXXI International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society
Neyem A., Ochoa S.F., Pino J.A. and Franco R.D. (2012)
Journal of Systems and Software 85 3 511-524
Messeguer R., Medina E., Ochoa S.F., Pino J.A., Neyem A., Navarro L. and Royo D. (2012)
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 11 6 1035-1066
Proceedings of CSCWD'12 258-264
Neyem A., Ochoa S.F. and Pino J.A. (2011)
Group Decision and Negotiation 20 5 563-592
International Conference on Information Society, IEEE Press 208-214
Monares A., Ochoa S.F., Pino J.A., Herskovic V., Rodriguez-Covili J. and Neyem A. (2011)
Expert Systems with Applications 38 2 1255-1267
International Conference on Education and Educational Technology 591-598
Journal of Universal Computer Science 17 2 183-202
International Workshop on System/Software Architectures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5872
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5784
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5784
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (C