Últimas Publicaciones
Cruz, E. y Valdivia, D. (2001) Comparación de Algoritmos de Corrección de Registros Sísmicos Obtenidos conEquipos Analógicos 2o Congreso Ibero-Americano de Ingeneiría Sísmica, Madrid, Espeaña, 16-19 Oct. 2001
Cruz, E. (2001) Ingeniería Sismoresistente Apuntes Curso dictado en Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, 14-21 Septiembre 2001.
L. Rischmoller, M. Fischer, R. Fox L. Alarcon (2001) 4D Planning and Scheduling (4D-PS): Grounding Construction IT Research in Industry Practice Proceedings of the CIB-W78 International Conference IT in Construction in Africa, (CSIR, Mpumalanga, 2001) 34-1 – 34-11.
A. Arioti C. Fantozzi J. Montecinos (2001) An integrated process planning with the genetic algorithm aid 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, .december 2001, Hong-Kong
Luis A. Cifuentes (2001) Update from IPCC on Public Health Ancillary Benefits and Climate Change: Report from IPCC Third Assessment Report Working Group I XIII Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 2-5, 2001
Luis A. Cifuentes Nicolás Bronfman (2001) Risk Perception in A Developing Country: Aggregate And Individual Analysis and the Effect Of Social Versus Individual Risk Annual Meeting of the Society of Risk Analysis, Seattle, December 2-4, 2001.
Cifuentes, L. and S. Moreira (2001) Social damages of Outdoor Particulate Air pollution in Santiago, Chile Epidemiology Supplement 12(XIII Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology): S58.
Jorge VERA. (2001) Practical Estimation of Condition Measures for Linear Programs. presentado en MOPTA01, Hamilton Ontario, Agosto 2001.
Luis F. Alarcón , Alejandro Grillo , Javier Freire and Sven Diethelm (2001) Learning from Collaborative Benchmarking in the Construction Industry IX International Conference on Lean Construction, Singapore, August 2001
Luis F. Alarcón and Sven Diethelm (2001) Organizing to Introduce Lean Practices in Construction Companies IX International Conference on Lean Construction, Singapore, August 2001
Alarcón, L. F., Freire, J. Rischmoller, L. (2001) Design Process Embracing Lean Principles and IT Research The International Journal of Architectural Management Practice & Research, No. 16, Spring 2001, pp. 1-17.
16 pp. 1-17.
B. Romagnoli, M. Guarini, J Urzúa (2001) A Model of the Capillary Effects on the Arterial Circulation Simulation in the Health and Medical Sciences 2001, Phoenix, Arizona, Enero 7-11, 2001
Cruz, E. Riddell, R, Valdivia, D. (2001) Annual report on Strong motion records from SMASCH Array (2000) Report de Investigacion, Publicado por el Depto. Ing. Estructural y Geotecnica.
Cruz, E., Bollmann H., Rodriguez, A. (2001) A comparison of measured predicted earthquake response for a building in Santiago EASEC-8, 8thEast-Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Singapore, 5-7 Dic., 2001
“Miranda, J. C., Barrera, E., Thenoux G. (2001) “Desarrollo de una Guía para Diseño para la Selección, Diseño y Construcción de Sellos Asfálticos” Congreso Ibero Latinoamericano del Asfalto, Lima, Perú.”
“Thenoux, G., Carrillo, H. (2001) “Estudio sobre Riegos de Imprimación y Evaluación de Nuevos Materiales Imprimantes” XIII Congreso Argentino de Vialidad y Tránsito, Buenos Aires, Argentina”