Energies 16 17
Lazo J., Aguirre G., Ovalle J.,
Watts D. (2023)
International Transactions in Operational Research 46
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 57
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 158 112135
IEEE Latin America Transactions 20 4 553-561
IEEE Latin America Transactions 20 4 553-561
IEEE Latin America Transactions 20 4 553-561
Renewable Energy 131 585-596
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 442-461
Sun C., Mi Z., Ren H., Jing Z., Lu J.,
Watts D. (2019)
Energies 12 3 369-393
Applied Energy 254 113665
Bustos C., Watts D., Olivares D. (2019)
Applied Energy 256 113903
Applied Energy 241 540-547
Influence of Electric Vehicles on Distribution Network under Aggregator Management, J Chen, H Ren, H Jiang, D Watts, Y Wu, Z Qi, 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 612-619, 2018 (2018)
2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON)
On Aggregator's Demand Response Capability with Consideration of EV Battery's SOH, Z Jing, H Ren, S Hu, Y Wang, D Watts, B Yuan, 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2122-2128, 2018 (2018)
2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON)
Pérez Odeh R.,
Watts D. and Flores Y. (2018)
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 Part 3 3008-3823
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 Part 1 192-204
Sun C., MI Z., Ren H., Wang F., Chen J.,
Watts D. and Lu J. (2018)
Energies 11 5 18pp
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 93 421-438
The Spatial Statistics of Self-organized in Power System, N Jiang, H Ren, D Watts, Y Liu, H Lu, J Tian, 2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 3974-3980, 2018 (2018)
2018 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON)
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 548568
Renewable Energy 103 128142
Applied Energy 204 318-331
Applied Energy 195 204221
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 11 2108-2119
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 11 2126-2136
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine 14 4 20-29
Renewable Energy 96 738-755
Watts D., Albornoz C. and Watson A. (2015)
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 1176-1189
Electric Power Systems Research 124 173-180
Watts D., Valdés M.F., Jara D. and Watson A. (2015)
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 10371051
Ren H., Wei D.,
Watts David, Fan Ji, November 2014, Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Based Parameters Optimization of PI Controller for Battery System in Wind Farm, Advanced Materials Research, 1055, 375-382 (2014)
Advanced Materials Research 1055 375-382
IEEE Latin America Transactions 12 2 146-152
Ren H., Fan JQ,
Watts David, Wei D., 2014, Quantifying the Risk of Wind Power Forecasting Error on Power System Optimal Dispatching Applied Mechanics and Materials 672, 355-360 (2014)
Applied Mechanics and Materials 672 355-360
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China); Research on Probability Distribution of Power Grid Chain Fault Scale Based on Historical Fault Record Data [J]. Power System ProtectionControl, 2014, V42 (7): 23-30. [ Click to copy ] REN Hui, XIONG Ji, David Watts, CHEN Xi.Study on the historical outage data based probability distribution of cascading line failures in a regional power grid [J]. Power System Protection and Control, 2014, V42 (7): 23-30 (2014)
Power System Protection and Control V42 23-30
Ren H., Yang D.,
Watts David, Chen X., 2014, The Impact of Large Scale Wind Power Integration on a Regional Power Grid-a Case Study Applied Mechanics and Materials 472, 219-225 (2014)
Applied Mechanics and Materials 472 219-225
Hui R., Xiong J.,
Watts D. and Zhao Y. (2013)
EPE Journal 5 4B 914-921
H. Ren, D. Yang, D. Watts, X. Chen. The Impact of Large Scale Wind Power Integration on a Regional Power Grid --- a Case Study. International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, 2013, Beijing. (2013)
International Conference on Energy and Sustainability
Trimestre Economico 316 4 865-903
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine 10 2 24-36
Watts, D. and Martinez, V. (2012)
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 2 1525-1536
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 2 1550-1562
Herrera, B. and
Watts, D. (2012)
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 2 1574-1580
Chaparro, I. and
Watts, D. (2012)
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 2 1581-1588
Rudnick, H.,
Watts, H., El mercado no está solo, Revista Universitaria PUC, N° 111, pp. 52-55, Julio/Agosto 2011 (2011)
Revista Universitaria PUC 111 52-55
Y. Flores, D. Watts, Estimando competencia en la banca Chilena: Comparación de Métodos Estáticos y Dinámicos, Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad de Economía de Chile (SECHI), September 8 - 9, 2011. Viña del Mar. (Enviado: 6 de junio de 2011). (2011)
Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad de Economía de Chile (SECHI)
Renewable Energy 36 5 1603-1613
Hui Ren, Yuan Chen, Weijun Teng, David Watts, Systems Reliability Enhancement with Large Amount of Wind Power Integration IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit-MI, USA July 2011 (2011)
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, MAY 16-19, 2010 (2010)
Hangzhou, China, Octubre 24-28, 2010 (2010)
2010 International Conference on Power System Technology, PowerCon 2010
TALCA, CHILE, SEPTIEMBRE 3-4, 2010 (2010)
H. Ren, D. Watts, Z. Mi, J. Lu, A Review of FACTs Practical ConsiderationsEconomic Evaluation. IEEE Asia-Pasific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. Wuhan, China, March 2009. (2009)
IEEE Asia-Pasific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (IEEE-APPEEC 2009)
H. Ren, X. Yu, D. Watts, Application of DFACTS for the Improvement of Penetration Capacity of Distributed Generation, Conference on the promotion of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources in the Mediterranean region (DISTRES), Nicosia, Cyprus, Dec 11t-12th, 2009. (2009)
Conference on the promotion of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources in the Mediterranean region
V. Martinez, JD Molina, D. Watts, H. Rudnick. Evaluación de Escenarios de Diversidad Energética en la Planificación de la Matriz del Sector Generación Chileno, Ingelectra 2009, Valparaíso, Chile. (Best Paper Award) (2009)
D. Watts, H. Ren, Classification and Discussion on Methods for Cascading Failure Analysis in Transmission System, IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, ICSET 2008, Nov 24-27, 2008, Singapore. (2008)
H. Ren, D. Watts, Z. Mi, X. Yu, "FACTS evaluation considering reliabilityeconomic performances under deregulated market environment", The 6th Mediterranean ConferenceExhibition on Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution (MedPower), Nov. 2-5, 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece. (2008)
D. Watts, H. Ren, "Cascading Failures in Electric Power Systems, What about the prices?", The 7th iREP Symposium on bulk power systems and control, August 19 - 24, 2007, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. (2007)
D. Watts, H. Ren, FACTS: Characteristics, ApplicationsEconomic Value. A Literature Review, IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES), August 29-31, 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. (2007)
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 18 2 954
"Danitz, F., Rudnick, H., Zolezzi, J.,
Watts, D. (2002) ""Use Based Allocation Methods for Payment of Electricity Transmission Systems"" PowerCon 2002 IEEE-PES/CSEE International Conference on Power System Technology, Kunming, China October, 2002." (2002)
D. Watts, P. Atienza, H Rudnick (2002) Aplication of the Power Exchange Independent System Operator Model in Chile IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) Summer Meeting, Chicago, USA, Julio 2002. (2002)
H. Rudnick, H. Sanhueza, D. Watts (2002) Discusión de Distribution Pricing Based on Yardstick Regulation IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, fecha de publicacion por confirmar. (2002)
R. Ariztía, D. Watts (2002) Las Crisis Eléctricas de California, Brasil y Chile: Lecciones para el mercado chileno Serie Informe Económico Nº 129, Libertad y Desarrollo, junio 2002. (2002)
D. Watts, H. Rudnick (2002) Market Power and Competition in a Hydrothermal System IEEE-PES/CSEE international conference on power system technology, PowerCon 2002, Kunming, China, Oct. 2002. (2002)
D. Watts, P. Atienza, H Rudnick (2002) Second Generation Reforms in Chile, Power Exchange Model. The Solution? EuroPES 2002, Second IASTED International Conference, Power and Energy Systems, Junio 2002, Crete, Greece. (2002)
D. Watts, R. Ariztía (2002) The Electricity Crises of California, Brazil and Chile: Lessons to the Chilean Market The 2002 Conference on Power Engineering, Large Engineering Systems Conference Series, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, Junio 2002. (2002)
H. Rudnick, D. Watts, discussion to Transactions analysis in deregulated power systems using game theory, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems Vol. 12 , No 3, Aug. 1997, pp.1340-1347. (1997)
IEEE Transaction on Power Systems 12 3 pp.1340-1347