Salinas M., Sepulveda J., Hidalgo L., Peirano D., Morel M., Uribe P., Rotemberg V., Briones J.,
Mery D., Navarrete-Dechent C. (2024)
npj Digital Medicine 7 1
Tapia G., Allende-Cid H., Chabert S.,
Mery D., Salas R. (2024)
IEEE Access 12 188084-188101
Salinas H., Pichara K., Brahm R., Perez-Galarce F., Mery D. (2023)
Perez-Galarce F., Pichara K., Huijse P., Catelan M.,
Mery D. (2023)
Astronomy and Computing 43
Jain V., Wetzker U., Laxmi V., Gaur M., Mosbah M.,
Mery D. (2023)
IEEE Access 11 84620-84635
Guaman-Cabrera J., de la Llera J.,
Mery D. (2023)
Villalobos E.,
Mery D., Bowyer K. (2022)
IEEE Access 10 30168-30179
Franco P., Sotelo J., Guala A., Dux-Santoy L., Evangelista A., Rodríguez-Palomares J.,
Mery D., Salas R., Uribe S. (2022)
Computers in Biology and Medicine 141
Roquer T.,
Arancibia G., Crempien J., Mery D., Rowland J., Sepúlveda J., Veloso E., Nehler M., Bracke R., Morata D. (2022)
Geothermics 103
Mery D., Kaminetzky A., Golborne L., Figueroa S., Saavedra D. (2022)
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 41 1
Machine Vision and Applications 2021 32:72 1-16
Carrasco M.,
Mery D., Concha A., Velázquez R., De Fazio R., Visconti P. (2021)
Electronics 10 246
Lindh V., Uarrota V., Zulueta C., Alvaro J.E., Valdenegro M., Cuneo I.F.,
Mery D., Pedreschi R. (2021)
Agronomy 1-15
Pérez F., Pichara K., Huijse P., Catelan M., Mery D. (2021)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 1 484497
Cheng E.J., Prasad M., Yang Y., Zheng D.R., Tao X.,
Mery D., Young K.Y., Lin C.T. (2020)
Multimedia Tools and Applications 20
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 39 12
Saavedra D., Banerjee S.,
Mery D. (2020)
Neural Computing and Applications
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53 3 1179-1204
Mery D., Saavedra D., Prasad M. (2020)
IEEE Access
Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2019)
de Vidts S., Méndez-Olivos E., Palacios M., Larraín J.,
Mery D. (2019)
Biology Open 2019 8 1-10
Artal O., Sepúlveda H.H.,
Mery D. and Pieringer C. (2019)
Computers & Geosciences 122 25-34
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1-26
Heinsohn D., Villalobos E., Prieto L.,
Mery D. (2019)
Image and Vision Computing 85 46-58
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 38 3 66
Li P., Prieto L.,
Mery D., Flynn P. (2019)
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Micron 117 29-39
Rahman, M. A.; Singh, P.; Chandren Muniyandi, R.; Mery, D.;Prasad, M. Prostate Cancer Classification based on Best First SearchTaguchi Feature Selection Method . In Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2019), 2019. (2019)
Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2019)
Mery, D. Reconocimiento Facial: es bueno malo?. In La Tercera (06/09/19). 2019. (2019)
La Tercera
Fontaine, A.; and
Mery, D. Augmenting intensity change to recognize faces in unrecognizable images. Journal I3, School of Engineering, 2018(10): 46-57. 2018. (2018)
Journal I3, School of Engineering
Mery, D. Computer Vision for Fault Detection in Aluminum Castings. Encyclopedia of Aluminum and Its Alloys, CRC Press, pages 332-377. 2018. (2018)
Encyclopedia of Aluminum and Its Alloys, CRC Press
Mery, D.; Filbert, D.; Jaeger, Th. Image Processing for Fault Detection in Aluminum Casting. Encyclopedia of Aluminum and Its Alloys, CRC Press, pages 1287-1311. 2018. (2018)
Encyclopedia of Aluminum and Its Alloys, CRC Press
Mery, D.;Banerjee, S. Recognition of FacesFacial Attributes using Accumulative Local Sparse Representations. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), 2018. Calgary, Canada, 15-20/Apr. (2018)
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018).
Mery, D, Katsaggelos, A. (2017): A Logarithmic X-ray Imaging Model for Baggage Inspection: Simulation and Object Detection. In 13th IEEE CVPR Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS 2017), 2017. (2017)
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE CVPR Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS 2017),
Madrigal C.A., Branch J.W., Restrepo A. and
Mery D. (2017)
Sensors 17 20pp
Mery, D, Arteta C. (2017): Automatic Defect Recognition in X-ray Testing using Computer Vision, 2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV2017), Santa Rosa, CA, 27-29 March. (2017)
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV2017)
Mery, D. Biometría vs. Ficción. In Especial de Videovigilancia y Control de Acceso, El Mercurio (23/05/17). 2017. (2017)
El Mercurio
Larraín T., Bernhard J.S.,
Mery D. and Bowyer K.W. (2017)
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 7 1646 - 1657
Li, P.; Flynn, P.; Mery, D.; and Prieto, M. Learning Face Similarity for Re-identification from Real Surveillance Video: A Deep Metric Solution. In International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB2017), 2017. (2017)
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB2017)
Moënne-Loccoz C., Vergara R.C., López V.,
Mery D. and Cosmelli D. (2017)
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 11 17pp
Achurra, P.; Mondragón, G.; Caro, I.; Figueroa, D.; Marine, L.; Mery, D.; and Martínez, Jorge Modelo pionero de entrenamiento en trauma vascular impreso en 3D en base a imágenes de pacientes reales: un trabajo interdisciplinario de simulación en educación quirúrgica. Investigación en Educación Médica, 6(22): 133-134. 2017. (2017)
Investigación en Educación Médica 6 22 133-134
Mery D., Svec E., Arias M., Riffo V., Saavedra J.M. and Banerjee S. (2017)
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 47 4 682-692
Mery D., Riffo V., Zuccar I.and Pieringuer C. (2017)
Insight 59 2 85-92
Hincapié A-S., Kujala J., Mattout J., Pascarella A., Daligault S., Delpuech C.,
Mery D., Cosmelli D. and Jerbi K. (2017)
Neuroimage 156 29-42
Riffo V., Flores S. and
Mery D. (2017)
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 36 44 13pp
Gonzalez-Acuña, R.; Mery, D.;Klette, R. Adaptive Image Segmentation Based on Histogram Transition Zone Analysis. International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, 16(4): 299-307. 2016. (2016)
International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 16 4 229-307
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 46 4 472-482
Mera C., Orozco-Alzate M., Branch J. and
Mery D. (2016)
Computers in Industry 83 46-54
Grading of Potatoes. En "Quality evaluation and control of potato chips" segunda edición, editado por Da Wen Sun. 2016 (2016)
Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation (segunda edicion) Editado por Da Wn Sun Capítulo de lib 615
Hincapíe A-S., Kujala J., Mattout J., Daligault S., Delpuech C.,
Mery D., Cosmelli D. and Jerbi K. (2016)
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2016 11pp
Mery D., Svec E. and Arias M. (2016)
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 35 45 9pp
Mery, D.; Zhao, Y.; Bowyer, K. (2016): On accuracy estimation in biometric research based on face images. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS 2016). Niagara Falls, Sep. 6-9. (2016)
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and System
Quality evaluationcontrol of potato chips. En "Quality evaluation and control of potato chips" segunda edición, editado por Da Wen Sun. 2016 (2016)
Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation (segunda edicion) Editado por Da Wn Sun Capitulo de lib 615
Mery, D. Un área en constante aprendizaje. In Especial de Biometría, El Mercurio (23/03/16). 2016. (2016)
El Mercurio
Pattern Recognition Letters 68 260-269
Heihnson, D.; Mery, D. (2015): Blur Adaptive Sparse Representation of Random Patches for Face Recognition on Blurred Images. Workshop on Forensics Applications of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, in conjuntion with International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2015), Santiago, Chile, Dec. 11. (2015)
Proceedings of the ICCV-Workshop on Forensics Applications of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognitio
Mery D., Riffo V., Zscherpel U., Mondragón G., Lillo I., Zuccar I., Lobel H. and Carrasco M. (2015)
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 34 42 12pp
IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 20 1 338-347
Banerjee, S.; Mery, D. (2015): Iris Segmentation using Geodesic Active Contours and GrabCut. In Proceedings of Workshop on 2D & 3D Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data at PSIVT 2015, Auckland, Nov 23-27. (2015)
Proceedings of Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2015)
Mery, D.; Svec, E.; Arias, M. (2015): Object Recognition in Baggage Inspection Using Adaptive Sparse Representations of X-ray Images. In Proceedings of Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2015), Auckland, Nov 23-27. (2015)
Proceedings of Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2015)
Mery, D.; Zhao, Y.; Bowyer, K. (2015): On accuracy estimation in face biometric problems. Workshop on Forensics Applications of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, in conjuntion with International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2015), Santiago, Chile, Dec. 11. (2015)
Proceedings of the ICCV-Workshop on Forensics Applications of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognitio
Ruz, C. ; Pieringer, C. ; Peralta, B. ; Lillo, I. ; Espinace, P. ; Gonzalez, R. ; Wendt, B. ; Mery, D.; Soto, A. (2015): Visual Recognition to AccessAnalyze People Density and Flow Patterns in Indoor Environments. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2015). (2015)
Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2015).
Materials Evaluation 72 11 1362-1372
Insight 56 3 147-155
Mery, D.; Bowyer K. (2014): Face Recognition via Adaptive Sparse Representations of Random Patches, IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2014), Atlanta, Dec. 3-5. (2014)
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2014)
International Journal of Food Properties 17 2 261-272
Mery, D.; Bowyer K. (2014): Recognition of Facial Attributes Using Adaptive Sparse Representations of Random Patches, Workshop on Soft Biometrics in conjunction with European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2014), Zurich, Sep. 7th. (Best Paper Award) (2014)
Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops 8926 778-792
Food and Bioprocess Technology 6 8 2093-2108
3.Mery, D.; Riffo, V. (2013): Automated Object Recognition in Baggage Screening using Multiple X-ray Views. In Proceedings of 52nd Annual Conference of the British Institute for Non-Destructive Testing. Telford, UK, Sep. 10-12. (2013)
Proceedings of 52nd Annual Conference of the British Institute for Non-Destructive Testing
5.Mery, D.; Riffo, V.; Zuccar, I.; Pieringer, C. (2013): Automated X-ray object recognition using an efficient search algorithm in multiple views. In Proceedings of 9th IEEE CVPR workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS'2013). Jun, 24th. Portland, Oregon. (2013)
Proceedings of 9th IEEE CVPR workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS'2013)
Mery D., Riffo V., Mondragón G. and Zuccar I. (2013)
Insight 55 1 16-20
2.Alfaro, A.; Mery, D.; Soto, A. (2013): Human Action Recognition from Inter-Temporal Dictionaries of Key-Sequences. In Proceedings of 6th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2013), Guanajuato, Mexico, Oct.28-Nov.01. (2013)
Proceedings of 6th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2013)
1.Löbel, H.; Soto, A.; Vidal, R.; Mery, D.; Soto, A. (2013): Joint DictionaryClassifier learning for Categorization of Images using a Max-margin Framework. In Proceedings of 6th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2013), Guanajuato, Mexico, Oct.28-Nov.01. Best Student Paper Award (2013)
Proceedings of 6th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2013)
6.Bunger, A.; Pedreschi, F.; Mariotti, S.; Ahumada, A.; Mery, D.; Lillo, I. (2013): Sensory Quality Classification of "Sopaipillas" by means of Computer Vision. In Proceedings of 10th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, 11-13 Aug. (2013)
Proceedings of 10th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium
4.Mery, D. (2013): X-ray Testing by Computer Vision. In Proceedings of 9th IEEE CVPR workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS'2013). Jun, 24th. Portland, Oregon. (invited paper) (2013)
In Proceedings of 9th IEEE CVPR workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS'2013)
Mery, D. (2013): X-ray Testing: The State of the Art, e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2013. ISSN 1435-4394 (2013)
e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing 18 9 1-10
Insight 54 1 28-35
Patiño, D.; Branch, J.; Mery, D. Clasificación Automática de Tipos de Relieve de Montaña basada en texturas de Haralick. En Actas del la XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática (CLEI 2012/IEEE), Medellín, Oct. 031-05. (2012)
En Actas del la XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática (CLEI 2012)
Pieringer, C.; Mery, D.; Soto. A. (2012): Head Modeling Using Multiple-views. 4rd Chilean Workshop on Pattern Recognition (CWPR 2011), Valparaiso, Nov 15-18. (2012)
Caro L., Correa J., Espinace P., Langdon D., Maturana D., Mitnik R., Montabone S., Pszczolkowski S., Araneda A.,
Mery D.,
Torres M. and
Soto A. (2012)
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 66 1-2 151-165
Food and Bioprocess Technology 5 5 2025-2030
Mery, D. (2012): Procesando más allá de lo visible. Revista Bits de Ciencia, Nov. 2012, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Chile, Chile. (2012)
Revista Bits de Ciencia
Materials Evaluation 69 6 656-663
Journal of Food Engineering 105 3 485-492
Machine Vision and Applications 22 1 157-170
Journal of Food Process Engineering 34 5 1714-1728
Insight 52 10 548-552
Mery D. , Chanona-Pérez J.J.,
Soto A., Aguilera J.M.,
Cipriano A., Veléz-Rivera N., Arzate-Vázquez I. and Gutiérrez-López G.F. (2010)
Journal of Food Engineering 101 357-364
Carrasco M., Pizarro L. and
Mery D. (2010)
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 23 10 925-941
Robledo L., Carrasco M. and
Mery D. (2009)
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 9 2399-2410
de Pádua G.X., da Silva R.R.,
Mery D., Siqueira M.H.S., Rebello J.M.A. and Câloba L.P. (2008)
Materials Evaluation 66 2 145-149
da Silva R.R.,
Mery D. and Soares S.D. (2008)
Materials Evaluation 66 5 493-500
Pizarro L.,
Mery D., Del Piano R. and Carrasco M. (2008)
Pattern Analysis and Applications 11 1 21-32
Insight 49 10 603-609
Pedreschi F., León J.,
Mery D., Moyano P., Pedreschi R., Kaack K. and Gramby K. (2007)
Journal of Food Engineering 79 3 786-793
Pedreschi F., Bustos O.,
Mery D., Moyano P., Kaack K. and Granby K. (2007)
Journal of Food Engineering 79 3 989-997
de Pádua G.X., da Silva R.R.,
Mery D., Rebello J.M.A., and Câloba L.P. (2007)
Materials Evaluation 65 12 1230-1237
de Pádua G.X., da Silva R.R.,
Mery D., Siqueira M.H.S., Rebello J.M.A. and Câloba L.P. (2007)
Materials Evaluation 65 11 1139-1145
Materials Evaluation 65 6 643-647
Materials Evaluation 65 8 833-838
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4319 513-522
Materials Evaluation 135-143
Materials Evaluation 900-906
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4319 601-610
León K.,
Mery D., Pedreschi F., León J. (2006)
Food Research International 39 1084-1091
Pedreschi F., León J.,
Mery D., Moyano P. (2006)
Food Research International 39 1092-1098
Insight 48 12 1-3
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3540 1238-1247
Mery D., Chacón M., González L., Muñoz L. (2005)
Materials Evaluation 148-153
"Mery, D.; Filbert, D.; Jaeger, Th. (2005) Image Processing for Fault Detection in Aluminum Castings Chapter in ""Analytical Characterization of AluminumIts Alloys"", Chapter 16, pp 701-738, Ed. C.S. MacKenzieG.E. Totten, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Florida, 2005. ISBN 0-8247-5843-9" (2005)
pp 701-738,
Mery, D. (2005) Inspección Visual Automática Revista Informática, Chile, Marzo-Abril, 46-48, 2005 (2005)
"Carrasco, M.; Mery, D. (2005) Inspección visual automática usando análisis trifocal en una secuencia de imágenes no calibradas. En Actas del Encuentro Chileno de Ciencias de la Computación, 7-12 Noviembre, Valdivia." (2005)
Ghoreyshi A., Vidal R.,
Mery D. (2005)
Insight 47 10 615-617
Journal of Food Engineering 66 353-360
Mery D., Hahn D., Hitschfeld N. (2005)
Insight 47 10 618-624
"Astudillo, H.; Capdevila, C.; Cerda, A.; Colonnello, P.; Fuentes, A.; Hardings, J.; Kaftanski, E.; Mery, A.; Mery, D.; Muñoz, C.; Olivares, M.; Piquer, J.M.; Prieto, F.; Riquelme, D. (2005) Software abierto: Factibilizando la neutralidad tecnológica para Chile. Fundación País Digital, Chile, Enero." (2005)
"Hernández, S.; Saez, D.; Mery, D.; da Silva, R.; Siqueira, M.H.S. (2004) Automated defect detection in aluminium castings and welds using neuro-fuzzy classifiers. 16th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2004), Montreal, Aug. 30 Sep 03, 2004" (2004)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3212 818-825
Pedreschi F.,
Mery D., Mendoza F., Aguilera J.M. (2004)
Journal of Food Science 69 6 E: 264-270
Mery, D. (2004) Desafíos de la identificación de huellas El Mercurio, Edición Especial sobre la Huella Digital, Diciembre, 2004 (2004)
"Siqueira, M.H.S.; da Silva, R.R.; de Souza, M.; Rebello, J.M.A; Calôba, L.P.; Mery, D. (2004) Estimated accuracy of classification of defects detected in welded joints by radiographic tests 16th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2004), Montreal, Aug. 30 Sep 03, 2004" (2004)
Carvajal K., Chacón M.,
Mery D., Acuña G. (2004)
Insight 46 7 399-402
Hernández S., Sáez D.,
Mery D. (2004)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3212 826-833
Materials Evaluation 62 11 1142-1147
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3211 647-654