Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería de Minería, Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica

2 2354 1122

Líneas de Investigación

Rock mechanics
Rock physics
Earthquake geology
Physical volcanology
Disaster risk reduction
Geothermal energy
Mining engineering


Sepulveda, J., Arancibia, G., Molina, E., Gilbert, P., Duda, M., Browning, J., Roquer, T., Morata, D., Bracke, R. Thermo-mechanical behaviour of a granodiorite from the Liqune fractured geothermal system (39°S), related to the Liquine-Ofqui fault system in the Southern Volcanic Zone. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol 21. EGU2019-5725-2. (2019)
David C.,  Wasserman J.,  Amann F., Lockner D.A., Rutter E.H., Vanorio T., Amann Hildenbrand A., Billiotte J., Reuschle T., Lasseux D., Fortin J., Lenormand R., Selvadurai A.P.S., Meredith P.G., Browning J., Mitchell T.M., Loggia D., Nono F., Sarout J., Esteban L., Davy C., Louis L., Boitnott G., Madonna C., Jahns E, Fleury M., Berthe G., Delage P., Braun P., Grégoire D., Perrier L., Polito P., Jannot Y., Sommier A, Krooss B., Fink R., Hu Q., Klaver J., and Clark A. (2018)
Geophysical Journal International 215 2 799-824
David C.,  Wasserman J.,  Amann F., Klaver J., Davy C., Sarout J., Esteban L., Rutter E.H., Hu Q., Louis L., Delage P., Lockner D.A., Selvadurai A.P.S., Vanorio T., Amann Hildenbrand A., Meredith P.G., Browning J., Mitchell T.M., Madonna C., Billiotte J., Reuschlé T., Lasseux D., Fortin J., Lenormand R.,   Loggia D., Nono F., Boitnott G., Jahns E., Fleury M., Berthe G., Braun P., Grégoire D., Perrier L., Polito P.,   Jannot Y., Sommier A., Krooss B., Fink R. and Clark A. (2018)
Geophysical Journal International 215 2 825–843


I am an Associate Professor in rock mechanics in the Department of Mining Engineering and the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. My work involves the use of experimental rock deformation techniques combined with numerical modeling and field studies to understand the nature of mechanical and thermal stresses around volcanoes and fault zones. To do this I had previously built a new state-of-the-art true triaxial deformation apparatus at the Rock and Ice Physics Laboratory of University College London.


  • BSc in Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management, Kingston University
  • MSc in Volcanology and Geological Hazards, Lancaster University
  • PhD in Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London


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