Lopez M.,
Vera J., Aragones L., Recalde-Ramirez J. (2024)
Computers & Industrial Engineering 191
Computers & Industrial Engineering 177
International Transactions in Operational Research
Batista A., Pozo D.,
Vera J. (2021)
Computers & Industrial Engineering 154 107041
Computers & Industrial Engineering 139 106112
Batista A., Pozo D.,
Vera J. (2020)
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 1 229-232
Batista A.,
Vera J., Pozo D. (2019)
Health Care Management Science 1-15
Pascual R., Santelices G., Lüer-Villagra A., Vera J. and
Mac Cawley A. (2017)
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 159 276-282
Computers & Industrial Engineering 95 53-63
International Journal of Production Economics 179 166-178
Annals of Operations Research 229 1 703-741
Annals of Operations Research 219 1 457475
Mathematical Programming 147 1-2 47-79
Varas M.,
Maturana S., Pascual R., Vargas I. and Vera J. (2014)
International Journal of Production Economics 150 3751
International Journal of Production Economics 131 1 151-160
Fernandez M.P., Norero A.,
Vera J. and Perez E. (2011)
Annals of Botany 108 6 1155-1178
European Journal of Operational Research 200 1 245-252
Proceedings of the INFORMS Annual Meeting
Jorge Vera, Enzo Sauma, y Fernando Traub. 2010. Case Study on Transmission Planning under Uncertainty. Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 07 10 de Noviembre, 2010 (2010)
Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Mee
Enzo Sauma, Fernando Traub, y Jorge Vera. 2010. Effect of Delays in the Connection-to-the-Grid Time of New Generation Power Plants over Transmission Planning. Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 07 10 de Noviembre, 2010. (2010)
Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Mee
Conference Proceedings ALIO-INFORMS Meeting
ICCOPT'2010 3rd International Conference on Continuous Optimization
Computers & Industrial Engineering 59 4 667-674
Mathematics of Operations Research 34 4 869-879
Enzo Sauma, Jorge Vera y Fernando Traub. 2009. Transmission Expansion under Uncertainty in Generation. Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, U.S.A., 11 14 de Octubre, 2009. (2009)
Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Mee 88
International Journal of Production Economics 112 2 985-999
Diaz Legües A., Ferland J.A., Ribeiro C.C.,
Vera J.R. and Weintraub A. (2007)
European Journal of Operational Research 179 3 788-805
Fernández M.P., Norero A., Barthélémy D. and
Vera J. (2007)
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 22 5 398-406
European Journal of Operational Research 174 92-101
SIAM Journal on Optimization 16 4 965-985
Jorge Vera, Pamela Alvarez (2005) Optimización Robusrta en la Cadena de Abastecimientos Forestal OPTIMA2005, COngreso Chile de Investigación Operacional, Octubre 25-27, 2005, Valdivia, Chile (2005)
Jorge Vera, Pamela Alvarez (2005) Robust Optimization Applied to Supply Chain Management in the Forest Industry SIAM Conference on Optimization 2005, Estocolmo, Suecia, Mayo 15-19, 2005 (2005)
Pamela Alvarez, Jorge Vera (2005) Robust Optimization in Supply Chain Problems in the Forest Industry INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov. 13-16 (2005)
Mathematics of Operations Research 28 4 625-648
Jorge VERA, Alejandro Macawley (2002) A decision support model for harvesting in the wine industry Congreso de la International federation of Operational Research Societies, IFORS, Edinburgo, Julio 2002. (2002)
Jorge VERA, Iván Derpich (2002) Accelerating BranchBound procedures using conditioning information Congreso de Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, INFORMS, San José, Noviembre 2002. (2002)
Jorge VERA, Iván Derpich (2002) Medidas de condicionamiento en programación entera y su impacto en eficiencia de algoritmos. X Congreso Latinoiberoamericano de Investigación Operativa, CLAIO, Concepción, Octubre 2002. (2002)
Jorge VERA. (2001) Estimaciones de condicionamiento en optimización. presentado al OPTIMA2001, congreso chileno de Inv. Operativa, Curicó, Octubre 2001. (2001)
Jorge VERA. (2001) Practical Estimation of Condition Measures for Linear Programs. presentado en MOPTA01, Hamilton Ontario, Agosto 2001. (2001)
Jorge VERA. (2001) The effect of conditioning on some combinatorial problems involving convex sets. presentado en el INFORMS 2001, Miami, Noviembre 2001. (2001)
SIAM Journal on Optimization 10 1 155-176
Mathematical Programming 86 225-260
Mathematical Programming 80 1 91-123
SIAM Journal on Optimation 6 3 549-569
Fernández J.E., Marcotte P., Mondschein S.,
Vera J., Weintraub A. (1993)
Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 27 1 1-11
Operations Research 39 5