Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Profesor Titular

Especialidad: Modelamiento, Automatización, Optimización, Destilación, Fermentaciones, Extracción de productos naturales.

Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Bioprocesos


Líneas de Investigación

Modelamiento y simulación estacionaria y dinámica, control automático de procesos químicos y bioprocesos, obtención de productos naturales, tales como extractos polifenólicos y aceites esenciales.


R. Pérez-CorreaL. T. Biegler. (2005) Model Predictive Control of Solid Substrate Cultivation Bioreactors. The International Conference on Integrated ModelingAnalysis in Applied Control and Automation, IMAACA2005, A. Bruzzone, G. Dauphin-Tanguy, C. Frydman, S. Junco (Eds.), pp. 21-25, 20-22 octubre, 2005, Marseille, France. (2005)
pp. 21-25,
M. Fernández-Fernández, R. Pérez-Correa (2005) Noise Model for Realistic Simulations of Solid Substrate Fermentation Reactors. 2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering and 4th Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering, 14-18 August, 2005, Village Rio das Pedras, Club Med, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2005)
M. Peña y Lillo, R. Pérez-Correa, E. Agosin, N. Martin, E. Latrille (2005) Prediction of odour perception in muscat wine distillates. The 6th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 7-11 August, 2005, Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK. (2005)
R. Pérez-Roa, H. Jorquera, J. R. Pérez-Correa, V. Vesovic (2004) A Neural Network Supervised Performance of CAMx 97th Air & Waste Management Annual Conference & Exhibition, paper 182. 22-25 Junio, 2004, Indianapolis, USA (2004)
Ulloa, J., R. Pérez-Correa, J. Vera. (2004) Analysis of Stoichiometric Models using MNAC 12th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, IBS2004, 17–22 October, 2004, Santiago. (2004)
Fernández-Fernández, M., R. Pérez-CorreaE. Agosin (2004) Engineering Aspects of Solid-State Fermentation Concise Encyclopedia of Bioresource Technology, A. Pandey (Ed.), Food Products Press and The Haworth Reference Press, New York, pp. 690-701 (2004)
pp. 690-701
Athès V., M. Peña y Lillo, R. Pérez-Correa, I. Souchon (2004) Experimental determinations of infinite dilution volatilities of aroma compounds in water / ethanol mixtures in the context of alcoholic beverages production by distillation Poster presentation, ICEF9 International Congress on Engineering and Food, 7-11 March 2004, Montpellier, France (2004)
Fernández M., R. Pérez-Correa (2004) Model Predictive Control of Solid Substrate Cultivation Bioreactors The International Conference on Integrated ModelingAnalysis in Applied Control and Automation, IMAACA2004, A. G. Bruzzone, C. Frydman, N. Giambiasi, R. Mosca (Eds.), pp. 141-149, 28-30 October, 2004, Bergeggi, Italy. (2004)
pp. 141-149,
Jorquera H., J. R. Pérez-Correa, A. CiprianoG. Acuña (2004) Short Term Forecasting of Air Pollution Episodes Chapter 3 of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Computing. Vol II, P. Zanetti (Ed.), Published by the EnviroComp Institute (2004)
Osorio, Daniel, Ricardo Pérez-Correa, Luis Gómez. (2003) Fuzzy Control of Wine Stills submitted to International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. (2003)
Pérez-Correa, Ricardo, Eduardo Agosin. (2003) Instrumentation and Control of Bioprocesses Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Biotechnology, H. W. Doelle & E. J. DaSilva (Eds.), Vol 2: Methods in Biotechnology, D. A. Mitchell & A. Contin (Eds.), http://www.eolss.net/E6-58-toc.aspx. (2003)
Acuña, G., F. Cubillos, P. Molin, E. Ferret, R. Pérez-Correa. (2003) On line estimation of bed water content and temperature in a SCC bioreactor using a modular neural network model. Actas del European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering- 13 (ESCAPE-13), Lappeenranta, Finlandia, Junio 1-4, 2003, publicadas en Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, 14, Elsevier, A. Kraslawski, I. Turunen, Eds., pp. 1073-1078. (2003)
pp. 1073-1078.
• Sáinz, Javier, Francisco Pizarro, Mauricio Báez, Ricardo PérezEduardo Agosin (2002) A Metabolic Model for Wine Fermentation Kinetics, presented at 22nd Internacional Specialised Symposium on Yeasts, Yeast Fermentation and other Yeast Bioprocesses, 25-28 March, 2002, PIlanesberg National Park, South Africa. (2002)


Ricardo Pérez-Correa received the BSc and MSc degrees in Chemical Engineering in 1982 from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the University of Chile. In 1987 he was awarded the Diploma of the Imperial College and a PhD degree from the University of London, both in Chemical Engineering. That year he joined the Chemical Engineering Department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the University of Chile as an Assistant Professor. In 1991, Ricardo Pérez-Correa took an appointment as Assistant Professor at the Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Department of the Catholic University of Chile. Then he was appointed Associate Professor in 2000 and Full Professor in 2011. Professor Pérez-Correa has been involved in the application of modelling, control and optimization to several chemical processes and bioprocess, such as spray and rotary drying, flotation, distillation, solvent extraction, and solid substrate and submerged fermentations. He held visiting positions at Imperial College (1989) in London, Carnegie Mellon University (2001-2002) in Pittsburgh (USA) and Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2009) in Tarragona (Spain). He is a member of the Directory Board of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ACCA), IFAC Chilean section. Professor Pérez-Correa has published over 120 ISI papers one book, and 30 book chapters. He has supervised 6 postdoc researchers, 11 PhD students and 24 MSc students. He was recipient of the Hutchison Medal 2015 (IChemE-UK).


  • PhD, University of London
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of London
  • Magister en Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Chile
  • Ingeniero Civil Químico, Universidad de Chile

Premios y Distinciones

1) Jack Ewer (British Council) Noviembre 1989 – Febrero 1990 (PostDoc).
2) Grant de Excelencia Fundación DICTUC para Investigadores Jóvenes, 1993.
3) Beca Fulbright, 2001 (apoyo sabático, CMU, USA)
4) Beca PIV-AGAUR de Investigación para profesores visitantes Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009 (apoyo sabático URV, Tarragona)
5) Hutchison Medal 2015, Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), Reino Unido.
6) Excelencia en investigación 2015, categoría Profesor Titular, Escuela de Ingeniería, PUC.
7) Visiting professor scholarship from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) (2017-2018)


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