Rosero-Velasquez H., Monsalve M., Zapata J., Ferrario E., Poulos A.,
De La Llera J., Straub D. (2024)
FREDDI, F., , Juan Carlos DE LA LLERA, Fernando GUTIÉRREZ-URZÚA, Jorge G. F. CREMPIEN, Sahin DEDE5, José A. GALLARDO, Tiziana ROSSETTO, Juan Pablo MUÑOZ, José CEMBRANO, Matías F. CHACÓN & Felipe RIVERA. 2023. Seismic response of isolated structures under subductioncrustal ground motions Analysis of a case study structure. In: Proceedings of Conference Earthquake riskengineering towards a resilient world (SECED 2023). Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, UK. (2023)
Gallardo, J., Juan Carlos De La Llera, Jorge Crempien, Fabio Freddi, Tiziana Rossetto, Jose Cembrano, Matías Chacón, Juan Pablo Munoz, Fernando Gutierrez-Urzua, Sahin Dede, 2023. Sensitivity of the earthquake response of a HDRB seismically isolated hospital to earthquakes on crustal faults. In: Proceedings of Conference Earthquake riskengineering towards a resilient world (SECED 2023). Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, UK. (2023)
SECED 2023 Conference, Cambridge, UK
RIVERA, F., Tiziana ROSSETTO, John TWIGG, José CEMBRANO, Juan Carlos DE LA LLERA, Jorge CREMPIEN6& Fabio FREDDI. 2023THE POLITICS OF CRUSTAL FAULTS: ISSUES AND CONTROVERSIES AROUND THE SAN RAMÓN FAULT IN CHILE. 2023. In: Proceedings of Conference Earthquake riskengineering towards a resilient world (SECED 2023). Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, UK. (2023)
Castro S., Benavente R., Crempien J.G.F., Candia G., De la Llera J.C. (2022)
Seismological Research Letters 93 5 2700-2718
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 74 102875
Alberto Y., De la Llera J.C., Aguirre P., Monsalve M., Molinos M. (2022)
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 148 4
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 51 6 1563-1585
Ferrario E., Poulos A., Castro S., De la Llera J.C., Lorca A. (2022)
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 217 108040
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 1-28
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Spectra
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Engineering Structures 240
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Natural Hazards
Engineering Structures 241 112426
Engineering Structures 238 111995
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Fortuño C., de la Llera J.C., González G., González J., Aguirre P. (2021)
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 48334864
Computer-Aided Civil and Infraestructure Engineeering
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Fernández C., Nozu A., Crempien J.G.F., de la Llera J.C. (2021)
Seismological Research Letters
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Miranda S., Miranda E. de la Llera J. C. (2021)
Measurement 180 109511
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Engineering Geology 105585
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Candia G., Poulos A., de la Llera J.C., Crempien J.G.F., Macedo J. (2020)
Earthquake Spectra 36 2 788-805
?S.J. Tagle, R. Jünemann, J. Vásquez, J.C. Llera, M.Baiguera (2020) Performance of RC wall building subjecgted to earthquake and tsunami in sequence, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE). Sendai, Japan. (2020)
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
IEEE Systems Journal
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 1-25
Earthquake Spectra 36 4 2086-2111
Earthquake Spectra
Engineering Structures 216
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 48 2 210-231
Palazzi N.C., Rovero L., Tonietti U.,
de la Llera J.C.,
Sandoval C. (2019) Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Unreinforced Masonry Churches in Central Chile. In: Aguilar R., Torrealva D., Moreira S., Pando M.A., Ramos L.F. (eds) Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. RILEM Bookseries, vol 18. Springer, Cham (2019)
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 18 1172-1181
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 48 8 867-887
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 181 167-180
S. Tagle, R. Jünemann, J. Vásquez, J.C. de la Llera (2019) Double pushover analysis of a RC wall building subjected to earthquaketsunami in sequence, Proceedings of the 12th Chilean Conference on Seismology and Seismic Engineering (ACHISINA), paper n° 1584. Valdivia, Chile. (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica (ACHISINA)
J.A. Vásquez, R. Jünemann, J.C. de la Llera, M.A. Hube, S. Tagle (2019) Earthquake damage assessment of reinforced concrete wall buildings using inelastic models, XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica (ACHISINA), paper n° 1605. Valdivia, Chile. (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica (ACHISINA)
Yang S., Mavroeidis G.P., de la Llera J.C., Poulos A., Aguirre P., Rahpeyma S., Sonnemann T., Halldorsson B. (2019)
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 125
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
Earthquake Spectra
International Journal of Architectural Heritage
P. Favier, A. Poulos, J.A. Vásquez, P. Aguirre and J.C. de la Llera (2019)
Earthquake Spectra
Engineering Structures 197 109425
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 109 1 66-74
Candia G., Poulos A., de la Llera J.C., Crempien J.G.F., Macedo J. (2018)
Earthquake Spectra
Studies in Higher Education 43 8 1454-1467
Natural Hazards 92 3 1433-1461
Revista Chilena de Ingenieria 485 111-115
Engineering Structures 131 1-13
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15 2 555-588
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 46 4 561-583
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile
Engineering Structures 141 687-702
De la Llera, Juan Carlos; Rivera, Felipe; Gil, Magdalena; Santa María, Hernán; Cienfuegos, Rodrigo. 2017. Infraestructura Resiliente: Lecciones del caso chileno Integration & Trade Journal: Volume 21: No. 41, pp. 303-315. (2017)
Integration & Trade Journal 21 41 303-315
J.C. De la Llera, F. Rivera, M. Gil, H. Santa María, R. Cienfuegos. Infraestructura resiliente: Lecciones del caso Chileno. Revista Integración & Comercio, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), 21, 41, 304-315, 2017. (2017)
Revista Integracion & Comercio del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo 21 41 304-315
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 13 2063-2083
Shrivastava M.N., González G., Moreno M., Chlieh M., Salazar P., Reddy C.D., Báez J.C.,
Yáñez G., González J. and
de la Llera J.C. (2016)
Geophysical Research Letters 43 20 10710-10719
Smart Materials and Structures 25 10 17pp
Jünemann R.,
de la Llera J.C.,
Hube M.A., Vásquez J., Chacón M. (2016). Inelastic finite element models to assess earthquake damage of RC Wall buildings. New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Technical Conference & AGM, April 1-3, Christchurch, Nueva Zelandia. (2016)
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 85 134-145
Earthquake Spectra 32 4 2495-2511
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 10 1621-1641
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 44 3 333-354
Engineering Structures 82 168-185
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13 4 1119-1139
Chacón M.,
de la Llera J.C., Marques J.,
Hube M., Lemnitzer A. (2015). Incertidumbre epistémica de modelos de elementos finitos para estimar la respuesta sísmica de edificios de planta libre. XI Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, Paper N° 91, Marzo 18-20, Santiago, Chile. (2015)
Lemnitzer A., Massone L., Skolnik D.A.,
de la Llera J.C. and Wallace J.W. (2014)
Engineering Structures 76 324-338
Engineering Structures 79 309-321
Engineering Structures 73 13-23
Paper N°33
Smart Materials and Structures 23 12 15pp
Experimental campaign of reinforced concrete walls with non-seismic detailing. Proceedings of the 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°1230, July 21-25, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (2014)
Proceedings of the 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Paper N123
Engineering Structures 69 194-205
Engineering Structures 80 377-388
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 6 20pp
Engineering Structures 56 738-748
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 11 1 69-91
Alarcon C.,
Hube M.A.,
de la Llera J.C. (2013), Characteristicsductility estimation of reinforced concrete walls in damaged buildings during 2010 Chile earthquake, Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, VEESD 2013, Paper N° 291, August 28-30, Viena, Austria. (2013)
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Proceedings 10
Engineering Structures 46 703-717
Engineering Structures 37 36-49
Jüneman R.,
Hube M.,
De la Llera J.C, Kausel E. (2012). Characteristics of reinforced concrete shear wall buildings damaged during 2010 Chile earthquake. 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, September 24-28, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper N°2265. (2012)
Mitrani-Reiser J., Mahoney M., Holmes W.T.,
de la Llera J.C., Bissell R. and Kirsch T. A. (2012)
Earthquake Spectra 28 1 S473-S502
Earthquake Spectra 28 1 S553-S579
Westenenk B.,
de la Llera J.C., Besa J.J., Junemann R., Moehle J.P., Luders C., Inaudi J.A., Elwood K.J., Hwang S.J. (2012)
Earthquake Spectra 28 1 S257-S280
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 5-6 817-829
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 40 3 257-271
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 40 3 339-354.
Nature 478 7369 374-377
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 39 10 1063-1081
Engineering Structures 32 2 508
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 8 4 1019-1036
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 38 5 541564
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 38 12 1421-1440
Engineering Structures 30 1 110-125
Engineering Structures 29 7 1548-1560
Engineering Structures 29 7 1596-1611
Engineering Structures 29 6 914-932
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 35 1533-1561
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 35 1875-1898
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 34 1005-1026
J.C. de la Llera1, J.L. Almazán, C.E. Seguín (2005) N° A13-07 CONTROL DE ESTRUCTURAS ASIMETRICAS MEDIANTE AISLAMIENTO SISMICO Achisina 2005, Concepción (2005)
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 34 1089-1108
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 33 543-574
De la Llera, J.C., Almazán J.L. (2004) Analyticalexperimental response of asymmetric structures with frictional and viscoelastic dampers. 13th World Conference in Earthquake Engineering. Vancouver, Canada, July 2004 (2004)
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 33 329-358
De la Llera, J.C., Alvarez M., Lüders C (2004) Norma de Aislamiento Sísmico: Sismos bajo Control. Revista BIT, Nº36, Mayo 2004. (2004)
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 32 919-948
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 32 891-918
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 32 1157-1184
Almazan J.L., y de la Llera J.C. (2002) A simplified procedure to account for accidental torsion in structures isoltaed with the FPS Proceedings of the 7th US Conference on Earthquake Engrg., Boston. (2002)
Engineering Structures 24 979-998
Stagno P., Frerk J., Stagno D., Rendic P., Iturriaga W.,
De la Llera J.C., Lüders C., Sady H., Guendelman T., Guendelman M., Lindenberg J., Astudillo M., y Boroscheck R. (2002) Análisis y Diseño del Hospital Militar VIII Jornadas de Sismología e Ingenieria Sísmica, Valparaiso. (2002)
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 31 305-332
de la Llera, J.C., y Almazan J.L (2002) Ensayos 3D en mesa vibradora para estructuras simétricas y asimétricas con el sistema FPS VIII Jornadas de Sismología e Ingenieria Sísmica, Valparaiso. (2002)
Almazan J.L., y de la Llera J.C. (2002) Procedimiento simplificado para considerar torsión accidental en estructuras aisladas con FPS VIII Jornadas de Sismología e Ingenieria Sísmica, Valparaiso. (2002)
de la Llera, J.C., y Almazan J.L (2002) Shake-table tests of torsionally coupled structures isolated with the FPS Proceedings of the 7th US Conference on Earthquake Engrg., Boston. (2002)
Alvarez M, Fisher T.,
de la Llera J.C., y Riddell R. (2002) Un modelo integrado para el análisis de riesgo sísmico en edificios VIII Jornadas de Sismología e Ingenieria Sísmica, Valparaiso. (2002)
Journal of Structural Engineering 127 5 475-481
Journal of Structural Engineering 127 5 482-489
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 29 1725-1757
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 27 8 845-868
Journal of Structural Engineering 122 597-606
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 24 573-594
Journal of the Structural Division 121 1 102-114
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 24 549-572
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 23 1003-1021
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 23 117-336
Journal of the Structural Division 120 597-616
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 23 947-967