Economics of Transportation 39
Accident Analysis & Prevention 190
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 144 153-169
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 150 302-316
Shannon D., Murphy F., Mullins M. y Rizzi L. (2020)
Accident Analysis & Prevention 142 105577
Accident Analysis & Prevention 122 63-75
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 125 89-105
Larrañaga A.M., Arellana J.,
Rizzi L.I., Strambi O. and Betella Cybis H.B. (2019)
Transportation 45 2 499-521
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 24 1 51-61
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 98 123-140
Journal of Choice Modelling 19 24-39
Palma, D.,
Ortúzar, J. de D.,
Rizzi, L.I., Guevara, C.A., Casaubon, G. y Ma, H. (2016) Modelling choice when price is a cue for quality: a case study with Chinese wine consumers. The Journal of Choice Modelling 19, 24-39. (2016)
The JournalofChoiceModelling 19 24-39
Larrañaga A.M.,
Rizzi L.I., Arellana J., Strambi O. and Cybis H.B. (2016)
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 10 4 332-342
Larrañaga, A.M.,
Rizzi, L.I., Arellana, J., Strambi, O. y Cybis, H.B. (2016) The influence of built environment and travel attitudes on walking: a case study of Porto Alegre, Brazil. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 10, 332-342. (2016)
Daziano R.A.and Rizzi L.I. (2015)
Safety Science 78 11-19
Daziano, R. y Rizzi, L.I. (2015) Analyzing the impact of a fatality index on a discrete, interurban mode choice model with latent safety, security, and comfort. Safety Science 78, 11-19. (2015)
Safety Science 78 11-19
Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 31 112-123
Safety Science 77 1-9
Flügel, S.,
Rizzi, L.I., Veisten, K., Elvik, R. and
Ortúzar, J. de D. (2015) Car drivers' valuation of landslide risk reductions. Safety Science 77, 1-9. DOI: (2015)
Safety Science 77 1-9
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 78 438-451
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 48 35-51
Transport Policy 36 105-117
Román, C., Martín, J. C., Espino, R., Cherchi, E.,
Ortúzar, J. de D.,
Rizzi, L. I., Gonzalez, R. M., Amador, F. J. (2014) Valuation of travel time savings for intercity travel: the Madrid-Barcelona corridor. Transport Policy 36, 105-117. (2014)
Transport Policy 36 105-117
Journal of Environmental Management 146 470-480
Rizzi, L.I., de la Maza, C.,
Cifuentes, L.A., Gómez, J. (2014) Valuing air quality impacts using stated choice analysis: trading off visibility against morbidity effects. Journal of Environmental Management. (2014)
Journal of Environmental Management 146 470-480
Arellana, J.,
Ortúzar, J. de D. y Rizzi, L.I. (2013) Survey data to model time-of-day choice: methodology and findings. En J. Zmud, M.E.H. Lee-Gosselin, M.A. Munizaga y J.A. Carrasco (eds.), Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making. 479- 505, Emerald, Bingley. (2013)
Research in Transportation Economics 43 1 50-61
Veisten, K., Flügel, S.,
Rizzi, L.I.,
Ortúzar, J. de D. y Elvik, R. (2013) Valuing casualty risk reductions from estimated baseline risk. Research in Transportation Economics 43, 50-61 ( (2013)
Research in Transportation Economics 43 50-61
Transportation Research Record 2303 9-18
Arellana, J.,
Ortúzar, J. de D. y Rizzi, L.I. (2012) Survey data to model time-of-day choice: methodology and findings. En: J. Zmud, M. Lee-Gosselin, M.A. Munizaga y J.A. Carrasco (Eds.), Transport Survey Methods, Scoping the Future While Staying on Track, 479-505. Bingley, Emerald. (2012)
Transport Survey Methods, Scoping the Future While Staying on Track 479-505
Rizzi L., Limonado J.P. and Steimetz S. (2012)
Transportmetrica 8 6 427 - 442
Transport Reviews 31 1 1-24
Hensher, D., Rose, J.,
Ortúzar, J.deD. y Rizzi, L. (2011) Estimating the value of risk reduction for pedestrians in the road environment: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Choice Modelling 4 (2), 70-94. (2011)
Journal of Choice Modelling 4 2 70-94
Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 43 7 692-707
Networks & Spatial Economics 8 2 125-140
International Journal of Transport Economics 35 2 185-203
Ortúzar, J. de D. y Rizzi, L.I. (2007) Valuation of transport externalities by stated choice methods. En P Coto-Millán y V Inglada (eds.), Essays in Transport Economics. 249-272, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg. (2007)
Paredes, R.D.,
Rizzi, L.I. y Valenzuela, J. (2006) ¿Cazabobos o Salvavidas? La economía política de los fotorradares en Chile. Estudios de Economía 33, 97-115. (2006)
Transport Reviews 26 4 471-485
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 40 I 69-94
Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 39 7 621-640
Rizzi, L. I. (2005) Diseños de instrumentos Económicos para la Intenalización de Externalidades de Accidentes de Tránsito Cuadernos de Economía, 42, 283-305 (2005)
Journal of Safety Research 36 4 377-386
Rizzi, L.I. (2005) The subjective value of road safety Road Safety Conference 2005, Warswaw, Poland. (2005)
Ortúzar, J. de D. y Rizzi, L.I. (2002) Valuation case studies En D. Hensher, y K. Button, (Eds.), Handbook 4. Transport and the Environment (en imprenta). Pergamon, Oxford. (2002)