Carrillo J.,
Hube M., Blandon C., Mata R., Abellan-Garcia J. (2024)
Journal of Building Engineering 98
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 22 11 5619-5638
Cando M., Parra P., Arteta C.,
Hube M. (2023)
Residual seismic capacity of damaged reinforced concrete walls with unconfined boundaries. Canadian Conference Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 25 30, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (2023)
Effect of the number of cycles on the seismic residual capacity of slender RC structural walls with unconfined boundaries. 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 27 July 1, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (2022)
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 1-22
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Engineering Structures 239
Earthquake Spectra 37 3 21742204
ACI Structural Journal 118 5 205-220
Arroyo O., Feliciano D., Carrillo.,
Hube M.A. (2021)
Engineering Structures 241
Engineering Structures 234
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 17 2 1-19
Cando A.,
Hube M.A., Parra P.F., Arteta, C.A. (2020)
Engineering Structures 219 110724
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Natural Hazards
Engineering Structures 224 111190
Pozo H.,
Hube L, Kurama Y. (2020). Regularized plastic hinge model for nonlinear analysis of axial-flexural RC elements. Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, Sendai, Japan. (2020)
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Moscoso J.,
Hube M.,
Santa María H., Espinoza P. (2020). Seismic capacity of damaged Chilean RC wall building using a simplified methodology. Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, Sendai, Japan. (2020)
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Spectra 36 3 1074-1095
Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Spectra
Moscoso J,
Hube M,
Santa María H, Amón J. (2019). Capacidad sísmica de muros de hormigón armado, XII Congreso de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, Paper N°1472, abril 3-5, Valdivia, Chile. (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
Cabrera T,
Hube M,
Santa María H, Estrada G. (2019). Comparación entre el daño estimado y el observado en casas para los terremotos de Chile de 2014 y 2015, XII Congreso de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, Paper N°1462, abril 3-5, Valdivia, Chile. (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
Morales A.,
Hube M., Ceresa P. (2019). Demandas sísmicas de momento y corte en edificios de muros de hormigón armado. XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, Paper N°1565, Abril 3-5, Valdivia, Chile. (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
J.A. Vásquez, R. Jünemann, J.C. de la Llera, M.A. Hube, S. Tagle (2019) Earthquake damage assessment of reinforced concrete wall buildings using inelastic models, XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica (ACHISINA), paper n° 1605. Valdivia, Chile. (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica (ACHISINA)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
H. Gálvez, M. Hube, R. Jünemann (2019) Estimación de la capacidad sísmcia de edificios dañados usando un método simplificado, XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica (ACHISINA), paper n° 1471. Valdivia, Chile (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica (ACHISINA)
Subcomité Normativo de puentes (2019). Métodos de análisis y diseño sísmico de puentes tradicionales. XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, Paper N°1591, Abril 3-5, Valdivia, Chile. (2019)
XII Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica 2019
Morales A., Ceresa P.,
Hube M. (2019). Seismic shearmoment demands in reinforced concrete wall buildings. 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, June 24-25, Creta, Grecia. (2019)
7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engin
Kolozvari K., Arteta C., Fischinger M., Gavridou S.,
Hube M., Isacobic T., Lowes L., Orakcal K., Vásquez J. and Wallace J. (2018)
ACI Structural Journal 115 6 1637-1657
Proceedings of the 11th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Engineering Structures 173 729-743
Hube M.A., Gálvez H.A.,
Jünemann R., Elwood K. (2018). Repaired reinforced concrete wall buildings in Chile after 2010 Maule earthquake. Proceedings of the 11th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 25-29, Los Angeles, USA. (2018)
Proceedings of the 11th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Proceedings of the 11th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Magna-Verdugo C.,
Hube M.A., Favier P., Saitua F. (2017). Analytical fragility curve of high-rise reinforced concrete shear wall buildings. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°2921, January 9-13, Santiago, Chile. (2017)
Martínez A.,
Hube M.A. and Rollins K.M. (2017)
Engineering Structures 141 530-542
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15 2 555-588
Villar-Vega M., Silva V., Crowley H., Yepes C., Tarque N., Acevedo A.B.,
Hube M.A., Coronel G. and
Santa María H. (2017)
Earthquake Spectra 33 2 581-604
Natural Hazards 86 S55-S79
Morales A., Ceresa P,
Hube M.A. (2017). Ductility and shear demands in reinforced concrete buildings with asymmetric walls. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°1898, January 9-13, Santiago, Chile (2017)
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile
Engineering Structures 141 687-702
Hube M.A., Martínez A., Rubilar F. (2017). Experimental behavior of elastomeric bearings and seismic bars of simply supported Chilean bridges. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°4682, January 9-13, Santiago, Chile. (2017)
Hube M,
Santa María H, López M. (2017). Experimental campaign of thin reinforced concrete shear walls for low-rise constructions, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile, January 2017. (2017)
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), Santiago, Chile
Navarrete I.,
Hube M.A., Kurama Y. and Lopez M. (2017)
Materials and Structures 50 190 15pp
Geiß C., Schauß A., Riedlinger T., Dech S., Zelaya C., Guzman N.,
Hube M.A., Arsanjani J.J. and Taubenböck H. (2017)
Natural Hazards 86 S81-S105
Earthquake Spectra 33 1 299-322
Beyer K.,
Hube M., Constantin R., Niroonmandi A., Pampanin S., Dhakal R., Sritharan S., Wallace J.W. (2017). Reinforced concrete wall response under uni- and bi-directional loading. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°2373, January 9-13, Santiago, Chile. (2017)
Motter C.J., Clauson A.B., Petch J.C.,
Hube M.A., Henry R.S. and Elwood K.J. (2017)
Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 50 4 574-585
Rivera F.,
Hube M.A.,
Santa María H., Alvarez C. (2017). Use of remote digital surveys to generate exposure models of residential structures in Chile. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°2414, January 9-13, Santiago, Chile. (2017)
Acevedo AB,
Santa María H,
Hube M, González D. (2017). Uso de encuestas digitales remotas para la recolección de información para el desarrollo de modelos de exposición sísmica, 8CNIS - VIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica, Barranquilla, Colombia, mayo 31-junio 2 2017. (2017)
VIII Conferencia Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 13 2063-2083
Álvarez C.,
Hube M., Rivera F.,
Santa María H., Hernández D. (2016). Adobe House. World Housing Encyclopedia (WHE), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. /179 (2016)
Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile 28 3 85-94
Álvarez C.,
Hube M., Rivera F.,
Santa María H., Hernández D. (2016). Confined masonry houses. World Housing Encyclopedia (WHE), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. /181. (2016)
Jünemann R.,
de la Llera J.C.,
Hube M.A., Vásquez J., Chacón M. (2016). Inelastic finite element models to assess earthquake damage of RC Wall buildings. New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Technical Conference & AGM, April 1-3, Christchurch, Nueva Zelandia. (2016)
Álvarez C.,
Hube M., Rivera F.,
Santa María H., Labarca M. (2016). Reinforced concrete shear wall houses. World Housing Encyclopedia (WHE), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. /180. (2016)
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 10 1621-1641
Álvarez C.,
Hube M., Rivera F.,
Santa María H., Hernández D. (2016). Timber houses. World Housing Encyclopedia (WHE), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. /182. (2016)
Engineering Structures 82 168-185
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13 4 1119-1139
Pizarro D.,
Hube M.A., Valenzuela M., Márquez M. (2015). Dynamic characteristics of a longitudinally asymmetrical multi-span suspension bridge: The Chacao Bridge. IABSE Conference Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges, September 23-25, Geneva, Switzerland. (2015)
Haindl M.,
Hube M.A., Arteta C. (2015). Evaluación del desempeño sísmico de una vivienda de muros de hormigón armado. VII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica, Paper N° 23, Mayo 27-29, Bogotá, Colombia. (2015)
Chacón M.,
de la Llera J.C., Marques J.,
Hube M., Lemnitzer A. (2015). Incertidumbre epistémica de modelos de elementos finitos para estimar la respuesta sísmica de edificios de planta libre. XI Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Sísmica, Paper N° 91, Marzo 18-20, Santiago, Chile. (2015)
Engineering Structures 73 13-23
Paper N°33
Experimental campaign of reinforced concrete walls with non-seismic detailing. Proceedings of the 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°1230, July 21-25, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (2014)
Proceedings of the 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Paper N123
Engineering Structures 80 377-388
Statistical analysis of pedestrian bridges damaged during 2010 Chile earthquake. Proceedings of the 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper N°1360, July 21-25, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (2014)
Proceedings of the 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Paper N136
Santa Maria H.,
Hube M., Cabrera T. (2014). Variables críticas que condicionaron el daño en puentes y pasarelas durante el terremoto del Maule de 2010. First International Bridges Conference Chile 2014, Septiembre 24-26, Santiago, Chile (2014)
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 11 1 69-91
Alarcon C.,
Hube M.A.,
de la Llera J.C. (2013), Characteristicsductility estimation of reinforced concrete walls in damaged buildings during 2010 Chile earthquake, Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, VEESD 2013, Paper N° 291, August 28-30, Viena, Austria. (2013)
Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Proceedings 10
Toro F., Rubilar F.,
Hube M.A.,
Santa María H., Cabrera T. (2013). Statistical analysis of underpasses damaged during 2010 Chile earthquake. Seventh National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways, Paper B3-1, May 20-22, Oakland, California, USA. (2013)
Seventh National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways
Mosalam K.M.,
Hube M., Takhirov S.M. and Günay S. (2013)
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 139 3 177-186
Hube M.A, Rubilar F. (2012). Capacity evaluation of steel stoppers of reinforced concrete Chilean bridges. The International Symposium for CISMID 25th Aniversary, August 17-18, Lima, Peru, Paper TS-2-2. (2012)
The International Symposium for CISMED 25th Anniversary
Jüneman R.,
Hube M.,
De la Llera J.C, Kausel E. (2012). Characteristics of reinforced concrete shear wall buildings damaged during 2010 Chile earthquake. 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, September 24-28, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper N°2265. (2012)
Journal of Bridge Engineering 17 2 334-342
Buckle I.,
Hube M., Chen G., Yen W. and Arias J. (2012)
Earthquake Spectra 28 S1 S533-S552
Journal of Structural Engineering 137 11 1245-1253
Hube M.,
Santa María H., Villalobos F. (2010). Preliminary analysis of the seismic response of bridges during the Chilean 27 February 2010 earthquake. Revista Obras y Proyectos, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Edición 8, pp. 48-57. (2011)
Revista Obras y Proyectos Edición 8 48-57
Barthes C.,
Hube M., Stojadinovic B (2010). Dynamics of post-tensioned rigid blocks. 9th US & 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 25-29, Toronto, Canada. (2010)
Proceedings 9th US & 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Transportation Research Record 2200 127-134
X Congreso Chileno de Sismología e Ingeniería Antisísmica Paper J7
Hube M., Mosalam K. (2008): Experimentalcomputational evaluation of currentinnovative in-span hinge details in reinforced concrete box-girder bridges, Part 1: Experimental findings and pre-test analysis. PEER report 2008/103, UC-Berkeley, USA. (2009)
Hube M., Mosalam K. (2009): Experimentalcomputational evaluation of currentinnovative in-span hinge details in reinforced concrete box-girder bridges, Part 2: Post-test analysis and design recommendations. PEER report 2009/107, UC-Berkeley, USA. (2009)