Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Profesor Asociado

Especialidad: Calidad del agua /geoquímica y tratamiento de metales en aguas y suelos / remoción de arsénico de agua potable / evaluación de impacto ambiental/Biogeoquímica ambiental / Modelación biogeoquímica/Biotecnología ambiental

Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental


Líneas de Investigación

Calidad del agua, metales en aguas y suelos, sistemas de tratamiento, geoquímica ambiental, geoquímica urbana, biotecnología ambiental, impacto ambiental, y gestión ambiental. Desarrollo urbano sustentable.


Alejandra Precht - Alejandra Vega - Jorge Precht - Pablo Paste?n (2021) La brecha de calidad entre agua “potable” y segura para consumo humano. En: REPENSANDO LA REGULACIO?N DE LAS AGUAS: CRISIS SOCIOAMBIENTAL Y PROCESO CONSTITUYENTE ACTAS DE LAS III JORNADAS DEL RE?GIMEN JURI?DICO DE LAS AGUAS ISBN 978-956-405-011-9 (2021)
Pastén, P., Vega, A., Lizama, K., Guerra, P., & Pizarro, J. (2021). Water Quality. In B. Fernández & J. Gironás (Eds.), Water Resources of Chile (pp. 209-228). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56901-3_10 (2021)
Capítulo Libro: In: Water Resources of Chile, edited by B. Fernández and J. Gironás
Bin, N., Sandoval, V, Suárez, F., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., .Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Pastén, P. (2016). Determination of hydraulic parameters of green roofs through drainage experiments and inverse modelling with Hydrus 1D. I3, Journal de investigación en pregrado 5, 48-54. I3, Journal de investigación en pregrado 6, 121-131. (2016)
I3, Journal de investigación en pregrado 5 48-54
Suárez, F., Cousiño, J.A., Hausner, M.B., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S.E., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Leiva, E., Pastén, P. (2015). Advantages of a Vertical High-Resolution Distributed-Temperature-Sensing System Used to Evaluate the Thermal Behavior of Green Roofs. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 14-18, 2015. (2015)
Bonilla, C.A., Pastén, P.A., Pizarro, G.E., González, V.I., Carkovic, A.B., Céspedes, R.A. 2013. Forest fires and water erosion effects on soil organic matter in the Serrano River basin (Chilean Patagonia). International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS - Global Soil Carbon Conference. Jun 3-6, 2013. Madison, Wisconsin. (2013)
International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS - Global Soil Carbon Conference. Program & Abstracts 71


My work involves cutting-edge research in geochemistry, environmental engineering, and sustainability, with impact on the praxis and policy toward societal challenges in a context of transdisciplinary collaboration.
My group combines field, laboratory, and modeling studies in geochemistry and pollution control in water and soil, attracting a continued stream of students and funding from the government and industry. Principal researcher of the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS), a major research center funded by ANID since 2013. Awarded funding from ANID (Fondecyt Fondef, ECOS) and CORFO. International collaborator in three NSF projects. Served in the Fondecyt panel for Civil Eng.
Associate Editor of Applied Geochemistry, the official journal of the Intl. Associat. of Geochemistry (published by Elsevier). Reviewer of numerous articles and scientific proposals. Selected Eshbach fellow at Northwestern University, USA and stayed there for a 1-year sabbatical.
I received the Engineering UC Teaching Award (2016) and the UC Teaching Excellence Award (2017). Designed and implemented new courses and labs strengthening civil & environmental engineering undergraduate, MSc, and PhD programs at PUC. As director of the environmental engineering program, I coordinated the implementation of two majors. I have served as visiting peer for the accreditation and evaluation of programs in environmental engineering in Chile and abroad.
Since 2022, I have presided de engineering faculty hiring commitee at PUC. I was elected to represent faculty in the Dean’s Engineering Faculty Council. Member of the University Committee on Research Safety since 2014, I leaded the development of the UC Institutional Safety Plan and Policy (2023).
Former member of the Advisory Council to the Chilean minister of the environment, I have led consulting engagements for the public sector and private industry in the areas of environmental pollution, control, and sustainability.


  • PhD, Northwestern University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Northwestern University
  • Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Ingeniero Civil, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Premios y Distinciones

Beca Fulbright 1997-2001 / Murphy Fellowship 1998-1999 Northwestern University / Premio Nacional de Hidráulica 1997 / Premio ATCOR-FIUC 1992


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