Initiatives within the area of inclusion aim to integrate talented students into the UC Engineering community independent of their origin, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background. Such initiatives include the Talent and Inclusion (T+I) Program and the Tutor Network, both of which provide support to new students entering the School of Engineering through the T+I Program.
Talent and Inclusion Program
The Talent and Inclusion (T+I) Program is an alternative admissions path for excellent students from public schools that are ranked in the upper 10% of their graduating class. The objective of this program is to support the enrollment of talented students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds. Admission through the T+I Program considers variables complementary to those included in regular admission, such as leadership, social commitment, resilience, and motivation for the degree program. Students in the T+I Program receive economic, academic, psychosocial, and social support.
The T+I Program began as a pilot initiative within the School of Engineering in 2011 and, as of 2015, is part of all the degree programs offered at the Universidad Católica.
More information is available here.
Tutor Network
In 2016, a pilot Tutor Network was established with the aim of providing comprehensive aid (not only academic) to the entire freshman generation of the T+I Program. This program, which began thanks to the work of 45 professors and 15 alumni, complements other initiatives that accompany students in the T+I Program, such as the Support Plan, Summer Camp, and the Engineering Tutoring Center, among others.