Meneses J., Qadir A., Surendran N., Arrieta C.,
Tejos C., Andia M., Chen Z., Uribe S. (2024)
Meneses J., Arrieta C., della Maggiora G., Besa C., Urbina J., Arrese M., Gana J., Galgani J.,
Tejos C., Uribe S., Arrese M. (2023)
Saborit M., Jara A., Munoz N., Milovic C., Tepper A., Alliende L., Mena C., Iruretagoyena B., Ramirez-Mahaluf J., Diaz C., Nachar R., Castaneda C., Gonzalez A., Undurraga J., Crossley N.,
Tejos C. (2023)
ACM Computing Surveys 37
Lambert M.,
Tejos C., Langkammer C., Milovic C. (2022)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 8 2 962-972
Guzmán E., Fernández M.P., Alcalde J.A., Contreras S., Raumonen P., Picco L., Montalba C.,
Tejos C. (2022)
Plant Methods 18 88 1-14
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Pelgrim T.A.D., Bossong M.G., Cuiza A., Alliende L.M., Mena C., Tepper A., Ramirez-Mahaluf J.P., Iruretagoyena B., Ornstein C., Fritsch R., Cruz J.P.,
Tejos C., Repetto G., Crossley N. (2021)
Scientific Reports 11 1 1-9
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 3 1624-1637
Tepper A., Cuiza A., Alliende L.M., Mena C., Ramirez-Mahaluf J.P., Iruretagoyena B., Ornstein C., Fritsch R., Nachar R., González-Valderrama A., Undurraga J., Cruz J.P.,
Tejos C., Fornito A., Repetto G., Crossley N. (2021)
Schizophrenia Bulletin sbab139 1-10
del Río C., Lobos F., Siegmund A.,
Tejos C., Osses P., Huaman Z., Meneses J.P., García J.L. (2021)
Journal of Hydrology 597 126190
Arrieta C., Sing-Long C., Mura J.,
Irarrazaval P., Andia M., Uribe s., Tejos C. (2021)
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 63
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Vargas P., Sitaram R., Sepúlveda P., Montalba C., Rana M., Torres R.,
Tejos C., Ruiz S. (2021)
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 5 1-13
Proceedings of the ICAD
della Maggiora G., Castillo-Passi C., Qiu W., Liu S., Milovic C., Sekino M.,
Tejos C., Uribe S.,
Irarrazaval P. (2020)
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Varela-Mattatall G., Castillo-Passi C., Koch A., Mura J., Stirnberg R., Uribe S.,
Tejos C., Stöcker T.,
Irarrázaval P. (2020)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 4 2219-2230
Milovic C.,
Tejos C., Acosta-Cabronero J., Özbay P.S., Schwesser F., Marques J.P,
Irarrázaval P., Bilgic B., Langkammer C. (2020)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 3 1624-1637
Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 1-11
Milovic, Carlos Langkammer, Christian Uribe, Sergio Irarrazabal, Pablo Acosta-Cabronero, Julio Tejos, Cristian , Proceedings of the ISMRM Scientific Meeting, 4940, Montreal, 2019 (2019)
Proceedings of the ISMRM Scientific Meeting, 4940, Montreal, 2019
Irarrázaval P., Firoozabadi A., Uribe S., Tejos C., Sing-Long C. (2019)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 63 250-257
Rivera K., Salas-Pérez F., Evheverría G., Urquiaga I., Dicenta S., Pérez D., de la Cerda P., González L., Andía M. E., Uribe S.,
Tejos C., Martínez G., Busso D.,
Irarrázaval P., Rigotti A. (2019)
Nutrients 11 9 2135
Pereira J.A., Sepulveda P., Rana M., Montalba C., Tejos C., Torres R., Sitaram R., Ruiz S. (2019)
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13 1-17
Milovic C., Bilgic B., Zhao B., Langkammer C.,
Tejos C. and Acosta-Cabronero J. (2019)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81 2 1399-1411
Milovic C., Acosta-Cabronero J., Pinto J.M., Mattern H., Andia M., Uribe S. and
Tejos C. (2018)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 51 7-13
Acosta-Cabronero J., Milovic C., Mattern H.,
Tejos C., Speck O. and Callaghan M.F. (2018)
Neuroimage 183 7-24
Zurita M., Montalba C., Labbe T., Cruz J.P., da Rocha J.D., Tejos C., Ciampi E., Cárcamo C., Sitaram R., and Uribe S. (2018)
NeuroImage-Clinical 20 724.730
Milovic C., Bilgic B., Zhao B., Acosta-Cabronero J. and
Tejos C (2018)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80 2 814-821
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79 1 541-553
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79 4 1882-1892
Sotelo J., Bächler P., Urbina J., Crelier G., Toro L., Ferreiro M., Valverde I., Andía M.,
Tejos C.,
Irarrázaval P. and Uribe S. (2017)
JRSM Cardiovascular Disease 6 1-8
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 33 88-95
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35 6 1475-1487
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 34 7 1017-1025
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35 10 2353 - 2364
Arab J.P., Barrera F., Gallego C., Valderas J.P., Uribe S.,
Tejos C., Serrano C., Huete Á., Liberona J., Labbé P., Quiroga T., Benítez C.,
Irarrázaval P., Riquelme A. and Arrese M. (2016)
Annals of Hepatology 15 5 721-728
Sepúlveda P., Sitaram R., Rana M., Montalba C., Tejos C. and Ruiz S. (2016)
Human Brain Mapping
Milovic C., Conejero J. and
Tejos C. (2016)
The Imaging Science Journal 64 7 353-363
Urbina J., Sotelo J.A., Springmüller D., Montalba C., Letelier K.,
Tejos C.,
Irarrázaval P., Andia M.E., Razavi R., Valverde I. and Uribe S.A. (2016)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 44 3 683-697
Arboleda C., Aguirre-Reyes D., García M.P.,
Tejos C., Muñoz L., Miquel J.F.,
Irarrázaval P., Andia M.E. and Uribe S. (2016)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 76 5 1400-1409
Ray A.M., Sitaram R., Rana M., Pasqualotto E., Buyukturkoglu K., Guan C., Ang K-G., Tejos C., Zamorano F., Aboitiz F., Birbaumer N.and Ruiz S. (2015)
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9 269 15pp
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 33 8 970-977
Journal of Biomechanics 48 10 1817-1827
Medical Engineering & Physics 37 3 328-334
Chabert S., Galindo C.,
Tejos C. and Uribe S. (2014)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 39 4 1027-1032
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A 43A 3 79-89
Bächler P, Pinochet N, Sotelo J, Crelier G,
Irarrazaval P,
Tejos C, Uribe S. Assessment of normal flow patterns in the pulmonary circulation by using 4D magnetic resonance velocity mapping. Magn Reson Imaging. vol 31, no 2, 178--188, 2013 (2013)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31 2 178-188
C. Milovic, C. Oses, M. Villalon, S. Uribe, C. Lizama, C. Prieto, M. E. Andia, P. Irarrazaval, C. Tejos.Calcium (Ca2+) waves data calibration and analysis using image processing techniques. BMC Bioinformatics, 14:62, 2013. (2013)
BMC Bioinformatics 14 162
BMC Bioinformatics 14 162
P. Baechler; I. Valverde; N. Pinochet; S. Nordmeyer; T. Kuehne; G. Crelier; C. Tejos; P. Irarrazaval; P. (Beerbaum; S. Uribe.Caval Blood Flow Distribution in Patients with Fontan Circulation: Quantification by Using Particle Traces from 4D Flow MR Imaging. Radiology. V 267, 1, 67-75, 2013. DOI: 10.1148/radiol.12120778 (2013)
Radiology 267 1 67-75
Bächler P., Valverde I., Pinochet N., Nordmeyer S., Kuehne T., Crelier G.,
Tejos C., Irarázaval P., Beerbaum P. and Uribe S. (2013)
Radiology 267 1 67-75
Meneses L, Fava M, Diaz P, Andia M,
Tejos C,
Irarrazaval P, Uribe S. Embolization of Incompetent Pelvic Veins for the Treatment of Recurrent Varicose Veins in Lower LimbsPelvic Congestion Syndrome. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, vol 36, no 1, 128--132 (see no 2 page 565 for Erratum), 201 (2013)
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 36 1 128-132
Uribe S, Bächler P, Valverde I, Crelier GR, Beerbaum P,
Tejos C,
Irarrazaval P. Hemodynamic Assessment in Patients with One-and-a-Half Ventricle Repair Revealed by Four-Dimensional Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Pediatric Cardiology, vol 34, no 2, 447--451, 2013 (2013)
Uribe S., Bächler P., Valverde I., Crelier G., Beerbaum P.,
Tejos C. and Irrrazaval P. (2013)
Pediatric Cardiology 34 2 447-451
J. Sotelo, R. Salas, C. Tejos, S. Chabert, S. Uribe. Análisis cuantitativo de variables hemodinámicas de la aorta obtenidas de 4D flow. Revista Chilena de Radiología. Vol. 18 Nº 2, año 2012; 62-67. (2012)
Revista chilena de radiología 18 2 62-67
Parot V., Sing-Long C., Lizama C., Tejos C., Uribe S. and
Irarrázaval P. (2012)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68 1 17-29
Uribe S., Cadavid L., Hussain T., Parra R., Urcelay G., Heusser F., Andia M.,
Tejos C. and
Irarrazaval P. (2012)
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 14 9 1-9
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68 2 400-408
Revista chilena de radiología 18 4 157-162
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 14 Supp 1 W66
Revista Medica de Chile 140 12 1535-1543
Rapid Prototyping Journal 18 6 431-442
Chabert S., Villalobos M., Ulloa P., Salas R.,
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Prenatal Diagnosis 32 3 252-258
N. Pinochet, P. Bächler, C. Tejos, G. Crelier, R. Parra, J.M. Allendes, P. Irarrázaval, S. Uribe. 4D FLOW: Una nueva herramienta de diagnóstico para cardiopatías congénitas. Revista Chilena de Radiología, vol. 17, no. 3, pp 134-140, 2011. (2011)
Revista chilena de radiología 17 3 134-140
P Bächler, G. Crelier, P. Irarrazaval, N. Pinochet, C. Tejos, S. Uribe. Assessment of Blood Flow Patterns in the Pulmonary Artery with 4D Flow MRI. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, May 2011. (2011)
Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM 1 1 726
C. Arrieta, P. Irarrazaval, V. Parot, C. Sing-Long, C. Tejos, S. Uribe. Cardiac Image Segmentation Using Level Sets with Preserved Topology. Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM, Montreal, May 2011. (2011)
Proceedings 19th International Conference of the ISMRM 1 1 1188
Uribe S., Hussain T., Valverde I.,
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Irarrazaval P., Fava M., Beerbaum P., Botnar R.M., Razavi R., Schaeffter T. and Greil G.F. (2011)
Radiology 260 1 232-240
C. Serrano, F. Barrera, C. Riquelme, H Vidal, P. Labbé, F. Cruz, M. Arrese, P. Irarrázaval, Cristián Tejos, S. Uribe. Medición volumétrica de grasa visceral abdominal con RM y su relación con elastografía hepática en una población diabética. Revista chilena de radiología. v 17, n 4, 183-191, 2011. (2011)
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Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 34 1 211-219
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62 3 1576-1590
Ramirez L., Prieto C., Sing-Long C., Uribe S., Bactchelor P., Tejos C. and
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IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30 8 1566-1576
Phlebology 26 4 157-161
Congreso 2010 Sociedad Chilena de Radiología
Conferencia 2011 Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Radiological Society of North America
Radiological Society of North America
Congreso 2010 Sociedad Chilena de Radiología
C. Arrieta, C. Tejos, J. Ramos, A. Vargas and P. Irarrazaval, Volumetric accuracy for rapid prototyping models, Actas de las Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica, Valparaíso, Chile, 2009. (2010)
Actas de las Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica
Andia M.E., Plett J.,
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Irarrazaval P. (2009)
Radiology 250 2 551-557
Revista Chilena de Radiología 15 S 1 10-16
International Journal of Computer Vision 85 1 19-34
Revista Chilena de Radiología 15 S 1 54-58
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A 32A 6 409-416