Anguita-Aguero J., Mendez R., Videla M., Costa E.,
Vanzi L., Castro-Morales N., Caballero-Valdes C. (2023)
Marasco A., Belfiore F., Cresci G., Lelli F., Venturi G., Hunt L., Concas A., Marconi A., Mannucci F., Mingozzi M., McLeod A., Kumari N., Carniani S.,
Vanzi L., Ginolfi M. (2023)
Psaridi A., Bouchy F., Lendl M., Akinsanmi B., Stassun K., Smalley B., Armstrong D., Howard S., Ulmer-Moll S., Grieves N., Barkaoui K., Rodriguez J., Bryant E., Suarez O., Guillot T., Evans P., Attia O., Wittenmyer R., Yee S., Collins K., Zhou G., Galland (2023)
Bergmann C., Jones M.I., Zhao J., Mustill A.J., Brahm R., Torres P., Wittenmyer R.A., Gunn F., Pollard K.R., Zapata A.,
Vanzi L., Wang S. (2021)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 38 19B (2021)
The Messenger, 182 27-32 (2021)
eprint arXiv:2109.07168 9 (2021)
VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/474/5287 (2021)
VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/AJ/160/235 (2020)
Proceedings of the SPIE 11447 17C 11 (2020)
Proceedings of the SPIE 11448 6ZM 7 (2020)
Proceedings of the SPIE 11447 26M 12 (2020)
Proceedings of the SPIE 11447 4HK 10
Dorval P., Talens G.J.J., Otten G.P.P., Brahm R., Jordán A., Torres P., Vanzi L., Zapata A., Henry T., Paredes L., Jao W.C., James H., Hinojosa R., Bakos G.A., Csubry Z., Bhatti W., Suc V., Osip D., Mamajek E.E., Mellon S.N., Wyttenbach A., Stuik R., Ke (2020)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 635 60 (2020)
The Messenger 180 24 (2020)
The Messenger 180 18 (2020)
The Messenger 180 10
Brahm R., Nielsen L., Wittenmyer R.A., Wang S., Rodriguez J.E., Espinoza N., Jones M., Jordán A., Henning T., Hobson M., Kossakowski D., Rojas F., Sarkis P., Schlecker M., Trifonov T., Shahaf S., Ricker G., Vanderspek R., Latham D., Seager S., Winn J., (2020)
Astronomical Journal 160 5 235
Harmanec P., Svanda M., Korcakova D., Chini R., Nasseri A., Yang S., Bozic H., Slecht M.,
Vanzi L. (2019)
Astrophysical Journal 875 1 13
Brahm R., Espinoza N., Jordan A., Henning T., Sarkis P., Jones M.I., Diaz M.R., Jenkins J.S.,
Vanzi L., Zapata A., Petrovich C., Kossakowski D., Rabus M., Rojas F., Torres P. (2019)
Astronomical Journal 158 1 45
Rukdee S.,
Vanzi L., Schwab C., Flores M., Valenzuela A., Pember J., Zapata A., Motohara K., Yoshii Y., Tala Pinto M. (2019)
Experimental Astronomy
Ucci G., Ferrara A., Gallerani S., Pallottini A., Cresci G., Kehrig C., Hunt L.K., Vilchez J.M.,
Vanzi L. (2019)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438 1 1295-1313
Izzo L., Molaro P., Bonifacio P., Della Valle M., Cano Z., de Ugarte Postigo A., Prieto J.L., Thöne C.,
Vanzi L., Zapata A. and Fernández D. (2018)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 2 1601 - 1610
Dauvin L., Drass H.,
Vanzi L., Dünner R.,
Torres M., Bechet C., Boettger D., Rojas F. and Shen T. (2018)
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 4 1449-1456
Vanzi L., Zapata A., Flores M., Brahm R., Tala Pinto M., Rukdee S., Jones M., Ropert S., Shen T., Ramírez S., Suc V., Jordán A. and Espinoza N. (2018)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477 4 5041 - 5051
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII 10702 107021G
Arcos C., Kanaan S., Chávez J.,
Vanzi L., Araya I. and Curé M. (2018)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 4 5287-5299
Johnson K.E., Brogan C.L., Indebetouw R., Testi L., Wilner D.J., Reines A.E., Rosie Chen C.H. and
Vanzi L. (2018)
Astrophysical Journal 853 14pp
Hallakoun N., Xu S., Maoz D., Marsh T.R., Ivanov V.D., Dhillon V.S., Bours M.C.P., Parsons S.G., Kerry P., Sharma S., Su K., Rengaswamy S., Pravec P., Kunirák P., Kučáková H., Armstrong J.D., Arnold C., Gerard N. and
Vanzi L. (2017)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469 3 3213 - 3224
Cresci G.,
Vanzi L., Telles E., Lanzuisi G., Brusa M., Mingozzi M., Sauvage M. and Johnson K. (2017)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 604 11pp
Bérard D., Sicardy B., Camargo J.B.I., Desmars J., Braga-Ribas F., Ortiz J.-L., Duffard R., Morales N., Meza E., Leiva R., Benedetti-Rossi G., Vieira-Martins R., Gomes Júnior A.-R., Assafin M., Colas F., Dauvergne J.-L., Kervella P., Lecacheux J. et al. (2017)
Astronomical Journal 154 4 21pp
Tala M.,
Vanzi L., Ávila G., Guirao C., Pecchioli E., Zapata A. and Pieralli F. (2017)
Experimental Astronomy 43 2 167-176
Holger Drass ; Leonardo Vanzi ; Miguel Torres-Torriti ; Rolando Dünner ; Tzu-Chiang Shen, et al." Implementationperformance of the metrology system for the multi-object opticalnear-infrared spectrograph MOONS ", Proc. SPIE 9908, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 99088E (August 9, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2232654; (2016)
Bluhm P., Jones M.I.,
Vanzi L., Soto M.G., Voss J., Wittenmyer R.A., Drass H., Jenkins J.S., Olivares F., Mennickent R.E., Vuckovic M., Rojo P. and Melo C.H.F. (2016)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 593 17pp
Coronado J., Helminiak K.G.,
Vanzi L., Espinoza N., Brahm R., Jordán A., Catelan M., Ratajczak M. and Konacki M. (2015)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448 1937-1944
Dias-Oliveira A., Sicardy B., Lellouch E., Vieira-Martins R., Assafin M., Camargo J.I.B., Braga-Ribas F., Gomes-Júnior A.R., Benedetti-Rossi G., Colas F., Decock A., Doressoundiram A., Dumas C., Emilio M., Fabrega Polleri J., Gil-Hutton R., et al. (2015)
Astrophysical Journal 811 1 20pp
Torres-Torriti, Miguel
Vanzi, LeonardoDünner, RolandoBelmar, FranciscoDauvin, LouiseChen, Tzu-ChiangCirasuolo, MicheleTaylor, WilliamSchnetler, HermineMontgomery, DavidRees, PhilipCabral, Alexandre.The metrology system for the multi-object optical and near-infrared spectrograph MOONS, Proceedins of the SPIE, v. 9147, p. 91478M-91478M-7, 2014. (2015)
Proceedings of the SPIE 9147 91478M-91478M-7
Bragas-Ribas F., Sicardy B., Ortíz J.L., Snodgrass C., Roques F., Viera-Martins R., Camargo J.J.B., Assafin M., Duffard R., Jehin E., Pollock J., Leiva R., Emilio M., Machado D.I., Colazo C., Lellouch E., et al. (2014)
Nature 508 7494 72-75
M. Torres-Torriti, L. Vanzi, R. Dünner, F. Belmar, L. Dauvin, T.-C. Chen, M. Cirasuolo, W. Taylor, H. Schnetler, D. Montgomery, P. Rees, A. Cabral. The metrology system for the multi-object optical and near-infrared spectrograph MOONS.Proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, Montréal, Quebec, 22-27 June 2014 (2014)
Chesneau O., Meilland A., Chapellier E., Millour F., van Genderen A.M., Nazé Y., Smith N., Spang A., Smoker J.V., Dessart L., Kanaan S., Bendjoya PH., Feast M.W., Groh J.H., Lobel A., Nardetto N., et al. (2014)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 563 23pp
Braga-Ribas F., Sicardy B., Ortiz J.L., Lellouch E., Tancredi G., Lecacheux J., Vieira-Martins R., Camargo J.I.B., Assafin M., Behrend R., Vachier F., Colas F., Morales N., Maury A., Emilio M., Amorim A., Unda-Sanzana E., Roland S., Bruzzone S. et al. (2013)
Astrophysical Journal 773 26 13 pp
Vannoni M., Righini A., Salas M., Sordini A. and
Vanzi L. (2012)
European Journal of Physics 33 573
Vanzi L., Chacón J., Helminiak K.G., Baffico M., Rivinius T., Stefl S., Baade D., Ávila G. and Guirao C. (2012)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 424 4 2770-2777
Meng H.Y.A., Rieke G.H., Su K.Y.L., Ivanov V.D.,
Vanzi L. and Rujopakam W. (2012)
Astrophysical Journal Letters 751 1
Saito R.K., Hempel M., Minniti D., Lucas P.W., Rejkuba M., et al. (2012)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 537 A107 1-21
Vanzi L., Cresci G., Sauvage M. and Thompson R. (2011)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 534 A70
Cirasuolo, M.; Afonso, J.; Bender, R.; Bonifacio, P.; Evans, C.; Kaper, L.; Oliva, E.; Vanzi, L. 2011, Msngr 145, 11 (2011)
The Messenger 145 11 (2011)
EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France
Angeloni, R.; Helminiak, K.; Vanzi, L.; Fugazza, D. 2011, IAUC 9205, 4 (2011)
IAU Circular 9205 4
Cresci G.,
Vanzi L., Sauvage M., Santangel G. and van der Werf P. (2010)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 520 A82
Massi F., di Carlo E., Codella C., Testi L.,
Vanzi L. and Gomes J.I. (2010)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 516 52
Fletcher L.N., Ortona G.S., Mousis O., Yanamandra-Fisher P., Parrish P.D., Irwin P.G.J. , Fisher B.M.,
Vanzi L., Fujiyoshi T., Fuse T., Simon-Miller A.A., Edkins E., Hayward T.L. and De Buizer J. (2010)
Icarus 208 1 306 - 328
Santangelo G., Testi L., Gregorini L., Leurini S.,
Vanzi L., Walmsley C. M. and Wilner D. J. (2009)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 501 2 495-503
Thompson R.I., Sauvage M., Kennicutt R.C., Engelbracht C.,
Vanzi L. and Schneider G. (2009)
Astrophysical Journal 691 2 1068-1078
Vanzi L., Combes F., Rubio M. and Kunth D. (2009)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 496 3 677-682
Vanzi L., Cresci G., Telles E. and Melnick J. (2008)
Astronomy & Astrophysics 486 2 393-403
Engelbracht C.W., Rieke G.H., Gordon K.D., Smith J.-D.T., Werner M.W., Moustakas J., Willmer C.N.A. and
Vanzi L. (2008)
Astrophysical Journal 678 2 804-827