Computational Systems Biotechnology
Bioprocess and Biosystems Optimization
Statistical learning
Pedro Saa received the BSc in Biological Engineering and MEngSc in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering degrees with maximum distinction in 2012 from the School of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC). He was awarded prizes for Best master thesis and Best postgraduate student of the department. Between 2012 and 2013, he worked as project engineer in Fraunhofer Chile Research at the Center of Systems Biotechnology, and as a research scientist in the Laboratory of Biotechnology of the Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering at PUC. In 2013, he was awarded the BECAS-CHILE and International Postgraduate Research Scholarships to pursue doctoral studies at The University of Queensland, Australia. In 2017, he was conferred a PhD in the field of Systems Biology. In 2018, Pedro Saa took an appointment as Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering of PUC. Professor Saa has been actively involved in the development of novel mathematical frameworks for better understanding cellular metabolism. These frameworks hold a wide range of applications from metabolic engineering to personalized medicine.
– Premio Excelencia en Docencia 2023, Escuela de Ingeniería, PUC.
– Premio a la Innovación 2021, Escuela de Ingeniería, PUC.
– Metabolic Engineering XII Junior Researcher Grant 2018 (apoyo presentación investigación en ME-12, Munich).
– Premio Excelencia a la Docencia Profesores Jornada Parcial 2018, PUC.
– International Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2013, Australian Goverment (PhD).
– Beca de Doctorado Programa BECAS-CHILE 2013, Conicyt, Gobierno de Chile.