Rojas A., Steinfort U.,
Vera S. (2024)
Uribe D.,
Vera S., Perino M. (2024)
Journal of Energy Storage 91
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 82 4 967-982
Vera S., Figueroa C., Chubretovic S., Remesar J., Vargas F. (2024)
Construction and Building Materials 415
Materials 17 7
Sustainability 15 24
Materials 16 14
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 1 112034
Energy and Buildings 259 111897
Flamant G., Bustamante W., Tzempelikos A.,
Vera S. (2022)
Building and Environment 212 108750
Journal of Building Engineering 57 104831
Tori F., Bustamante W.,
Vera S. (2021)
Energy Policy 161 112707 112707
Applied Sciences 11 20 21
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 63 8
Building and Environment 204 13
Daniel Uribe and Sergio Vera (2021) Impact of natural night ventilation in energy performance of office buildings with windows filled with Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in a semiarid climate. In: Roomvent 2020 Conference, pp. 606-609. 15th ROOMVENT VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, 15-17.02.2021, Turin, Italy (online). ISBN 9788894612301. (2021)
Roomvent 2020 Conference 606-609
Uribe, D., & Vera, S. (2021). Impact of Phase Change Material (PCM) glazing on the energy consumption and solar radiation transmission in an office room located in a semi-arid climate: Analysis of a real-scale experiment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2069(1), 012118. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2069/1/012118 (2021)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2069 1 8
WCTE2021, World conference on timber engineering
Remesar L, Simon F., Vera S. Lopez M. (2020)
Construction and Building Materials 247 118448
Energy 199 117121
Bustamante, W., Molina, G., Uribe, D., & Vera, S. (2020). Use of Different Complex Fenestration Systems in Office Spaces in Chile: Analysis of the Energy ConsumptionVisual Comfort of Occupants at the Early Stages of Their Design Process. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 503(1), 012100. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/503/1/012100 (2020)
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 503 1 7
Vera S., Pinto C., Tabares-Velasco P.C., Molina G., Flamant G., Bustamante W., Pianella A., Kincaid N. (2019)
Energy and Buildings 202 109367
García, M.,
Vera, S., Rouault, F. Coupling of two validated heatmass transfer models for green roofsliving walls with EnergyPlus, and evaluation of their impacts on the thermal performance of a retail building in a semiarid climate. 2019 Buildings XIV International Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, September 9-12, 2019 (2019)
2019 Buildings XIV International Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, September 9-12, 2019
Uribe D.,
Vera S., Bustamante W., McNeil A., Flamant G. (2019)
Solar Energy 190 495-510
Uribe, D.,
Vera, S. Impact of Double-Glazed Window Filled with Phase Change Material on the Energy Performance of an Office Building in a Semiarid Climate. 2019 Buildings XIV International Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, September 9-12, 2019 (2019)
2019 Buildings XIV International Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, September 9-12, 2019
García, M.,
Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Rouault, F. ModellingValidation of Two HeatMass Transfer Models of Living Walls and Evaluation of their Impact on the Energy Performance of a Supermarket in a Semiarid Climate. Building Simulation 2019, Proceedings of the 16th IBPSA Conference, 488-493, Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019 (2019)
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019. 16th Conference IBPSA 488-493
Tori, F.,
Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Sills, P. Potential of Mid-Rise Social Residential Buildings to Reach Net Zero Energy Building Standard in two Different Climates of Chile. Building Simulation 2019, Proceedings of the 16th IBPSA Conference, 5092-5096, Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2019 (2019)
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019. 16th Conference IBPSA 5092-5096
Vera S., Pinto C., Tabares-Velasco P.C. and Bustamante W. (2018)
Applied Energy 232 752-764
Hormigón al Día 71 33-35
5to Congreso Sudamericano de Simulación de Edificios, 27-28 Septiembre, Viña del Mar, Chile
Sustainability 10 1 19pp
Steinfort, Ursula; Arriola-Cepeda, Rocío; Vera, Sergio; and Albornoz, Francisco, "Experimental study on the stomatal resistance of green roof vegetation of semiarid climates for building energy simulations" (2018). International Building Physics Conference. 1. (2018)
IBPC2018 Proceedings
Vera, Sergio; Flamant, Gilles; Molina, Germán; Pinto, Camilo; Tabares-Velasco, Paulo; Kincaid, Nicholas; and Bustamante, Waldo, "Impact of the substrate thermal inertia on the thermal behaviour of an extensive vegetative roof in a semiarid climate" (2018). International Building Physics Conference. 2. (2018)
IBPC2018 Proceedings
5to Congreso Sudamericano de Simulación de Edificios, 27-28 Septiembre, Viña del Mar, Chile
Uribe, Daniel; Benavente, Nicolás; Bustamante, Waldo; and
Vera, Sergio, "Numerical thermal model of a double-glazed window filled with phase change materials" (2018). International Building Physics Conference. 4 (2018)
IBPC2018 Proceedings
5to Congreso Sudamericano de Simulación de Edificios, 27-28 Septiembre, Viña del Mar, Chile
5to Congreso Sudamericano de Simulación de Edificios, 27-28 Septiembre, Viña del Mar, Chile
Sustainability 10 7 18 pp
Uribe D., Bustamante W. and
Vera S. (2018)
Building Simulation 11 4 695-708
Bustamante, Waldo; Uribe, Daniel;
Vera, Sergio, "Solar and lighting transmission in complex fenestration systems with perforated solar protection systems" (2018). International Building Physics Conference. 3. (2018)
IBPC2018 Proceedings
Water 10 2 17pp
Environmental Modelling & Software 95 246-257
Bustamante W., Uribe D.,
Vera S. and Molina G. (2017)
Applied Energy 198 36-48
Remesar J.C., Vera S. and López M. (2017)
Construction and Building Materials 132 353-364
Energy and Buildings 146 312-321
Vera S., Uribe D., Bustamante W. and Molina G. (2017)
Building and Environment 113 163-174
Uribe, D.,
Vera, S.Bustamante, W. (2017) Optimization of complex fenestration systems using an artificial neural network (ANN)considering energy and daylighting performance of office buildings. 51st Architectural Science Association Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 28 November - 1 December 2017 (2017)
Vadose Zone Journal 16 4 14pp
Uribe, D., Bustamante, W.,
Vera, S. (2017) Seasonal optimization of a fixed exterior complex fenestration system considering visual comfort and energy performance criteria. Energy Procedia, Vol. 132, p. 490-495. (2017)
Energy Procedia 132 490-495
Vera S., Bustamante W., Molina G. and Uribe D. (2016)
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 9 4 382-396
Herrera, J.,
Gironás, J.,
Bonilla, C.,
Vera, S., Reyes, R. (2016). A hydrological model to study the performance and irrigation of stormwater facilities. 9th International Conference NOVATECH, June 28-July 1, 2016, Lyon, Francia. (2016)
9th International Conference NOVATECH
Bin, N., Sandoval, V, Suárez, F., Victorero, F.,
Bonilla, C.,
Gironás, J., .Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V.,
Pastén, P. (2016). Determination of hydraulic parameters of green roofs through drainage experiments and inverse modelling with Hydrus 1D. I3, Journal de investigación en pregrado 5, 48-54. I3, Journal de investigación en pregrado 6, 121-131. (2016)
I3, Journal de investigación en pregrado 5 48-54
Ecological Engineering 97 624-632
Bustamante; W., Ugarte, J.J., Encinas; F., Martínez, P. and
Vera, S. Envelope Design in Timber Housing: technological Innovation to Promote the Use of Radiata Pine in Chile. World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2016. Vienna, Austria, 22-25 August 2016 (2016)
Uribe, D., Bustamante, W., Molina, G.
Vera, S. (2016) Impact of different control strategies of a complex fenestration system on visual comfortenergy consumption of an office building in a semiarid climate. 41st IAHS World Congress, Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, Albuferira, Portugal, 13-16 September 2016 (2016)
Pinto, C., Victorero, F., Bustamante, W.
Vera, S. (2016) Influence of four outdoor complex fenestration systems on the solar heat gains of an office space in a semiarid climate. PLEA2016: 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Los Angeles, USA, 11-13 July 2016 (2016)
Herrera, J.,
Gironás, J.,
Bonilla, C.,
Vera, S., Reyes, R. (2016). Modelo integrado para representar los procesos hidrológicos y el riego a escala residencial en regiones semiáridas y mediterráneas. XXVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica, Lima, Perú, 28 - 30 de septiembre. (2016)
Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica, Lima
Vera, S., Victorero, F. (2015) Cubiertas Vegetales: Desafíos en Climas Semiáridos. Construcción Integral, Boletín Informativo de Aceros Arequipa (Perú), Edición 18, Año 7, Junio 2015, ISSN 2410-1850 (2015)
Construcción Integral 18
Herrera, J.,
Gironás, J.,
Bonilla, C.,
Vera, S., Reyes, F. (2015). DevelopmentApplication of anIntegrated Model for Representing Hydrologic Processes and Irrigation at Residential Scale in Semiarid andMediterranean Regions. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2015, USA. (2015)
Molina G., Bustamante W., Rao J., Fazio P. and
Vera S. (2015)
Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Victorero, F.,
Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Tori, F.,
Bonilla, C.,
Gironás, J. and Rojas, V. (2015) Experimental study of the thermal performance of living walls under semiarid climatic conditions. Energy Procedia, Vol 78, p. 3416-3421, (2015)
Energy Procedia 78 3416-3421
Sandoval, V., Suárez, F., Vera, S., Pinto, C., Victorero, F.,
Bonilla, C.,
Gironás, J., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V.
Pastén, P. (2015). Impact of the properties of a green roof substrate on its hydraulic and thermal behavior. Energy Procedia, Vol 78, p. 1177-1182, (2015)
Energy Procedia 78 1177-1182
Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Uribe, D., Férnandez, A. and Molina, G. (2015) Influence of four outdoor complex fenestration systems on the solar heat gains of an office space in a semiarid climate. 49th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 December 2015 (2015)
49th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 2
Vera, S., Pinto, C., Victorero, F., Bustamante, W.,
Bonilla, C.,
Gironás, J.Rojas, V. (2015) Influence of plant and substrate characteristics of vegetated roofs on a supermarket energy performance located in a semiarid climate. Energy Procedia, Vol 78, p. 1171-1176, (2015)
Energy Procedia 78 1171-1178
Bustamante, W.,
Vera, S., Ureta, F.Bustamante, J. (2015) Solar protection for energy efficiency: experimental comparison of four Complex Fenestration Systems consisting of louvers in semiarid climate. 31st Conference of Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Bologna, Italy, 9-11 September 2015 (2015)
31st Conference of Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Bologna, Italy, 9-11 September 2015
Vera, S., Cortés, M., Rao, J., Fazio, W., Bustamante, W. (2015) Testing turbulence models to predict interzonal mass airflows through a stairwell opening for both natural and mixed convection flows in buildings. Revista de Ingeniería de Construcción (RIC), Vol 30, No 2, p. 85-97. (2015)
Revista de Ingeniería de Construcción (RIC) 30 2 85-97
Bustamante, W.,
Vera, S., Ureta, F.Bustamante, J. (2015) Thermal and lighting performance of 5 complex fenestration systems in a semiarid climate of Chile. Energy Procedia, Vol 78, p. 2494-2499, (2015)
Energy Procedia 78 2494-2499
Molina, G.,
Vera, S.Bustamante, W. (2014) A tool for integrated thermallighting analysis of spaces with controlled Complex Fenestration Systems and artificial lighting. Proceedings of eSim2014 Removing barriers to application of Building Performance Simulation in design practice Ottawa, Canada, May 7-10 (2014)
Proceedings of eSim2014
Suárez, F.,
Bonilla, C., Bustamante, W.,
Gironás, J., Victorero, F. and Vera, S., (2014). Assessment of a fiber-optic distributed-temperature sensing system to monitor thermal dynamics of vegetated roofs. 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014 (2014)
2014 AGU Fall Meeting
Cousiño, J.A., Hausner, M.B., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S.E., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V.,
Pastén, P., Suárez, F. (2014). Assessment of a fiber-optic distributed-temperature-sensing system to monitor the thermal dynamics of vegetated roofs. AGU 2014 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 15-19, 2014. (2014)
Cortés, M., Fazio, P. Rao, J., Bustamante, W.
Vera, S. (2014) CFD modeling of basic convection cases in enclosed environments: Needs of CFD beginners to acquire skills and confidence on CFD modeling. Revista de Ingeniería de Construcción (RIC), Vol 29, No 1, p. 22-45. (2014)
Revista de Ingeniería de Construcción (RIC) 29 1 22-45
Suárez, F.,
Bonilla, C., Bustamante, W., Gironás, J., Victorero, F. and Vera, S., (2014). Efecto de las propiedades de un sustrato de una cubierta vegetal sobre su comportamiento hidráulico y térmico. XII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidrología, Santiago, Chile, 25-30 August 2014 (2014)
XII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidrología, Santiago, Chile, 25-30 August 2014
Sandoval, V.,
Vera, S.,
Gironás, J., Bustamante, W., Victorero, F., Pastén, P., Suárez, F.,
Bonilla, C., Rojas, V. Efecto de las propiedades de un sustrato de una cubierta vegetal sobre su comportamiento hidráulico y térmico. XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica. Santiago, Chile, Agosto 2014. (2014)
Suárez, F.,
Bonilla, C., Bustamante, W., Gironás, J., Victorero, F.Vera, S., (2014). Effects of substrate properties on the hydraulic and thermal behavior of a green roof. 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014 (2014)
2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2014
Sandoval, V.P. Suarez, F.I., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C.,
Gironás, J.A., Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Pasten, P. (2014). Effects of substrate properties on the hydraulic and thermal behavior of a green roof. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2014, USA (2014)
Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Prieto, A. and Vásquez, C. (2014) Evaluation of short-wave solar radiation transmission through complex fenestration systems in existing office buildings in Chilean warm climate. 10th Nordic Symposium of Building Physics, Lund, Sweden, June 15-19 (2014)
10th Nordic Symposium of Building Physics
Bonilla CA, Reyes R, Vera S,
Gironás J, Bustamante W, Rojas M, Victorero F,
Pastén P, Suárez F. 2014. Green roof irrigation in semi-arid climates: An integrative approach to sustainable urban environments. International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development 2014: Concepts and Methods. Ene 22-24, 2014. Santiago, Chile. (2014)
Reyes FR, Vera S,
Gironás J, Bustamante W, Rojas M, Victorero F,
Pastén P, Suárez F,
Bonilla CA. 2014. Manejo del riego en cubiertas vegetales: análisis de sustentabilidad en un clima semiárido. XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica, 25-30 Ago, Santiago, Chile (2014)
XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica
Vera S., Rao J., Fazio P. and Campo A. (2014)
Applied Thermal Engineering 64 1-2 499-507
Bustamante W.,
Vera S., Prieto A. and Vásquez C. (2014)
Sustainability 6 5 2786-20801
Serpell A., Kort J. and
Vera S. (2013)
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 19 2 272-288
Proceedings of 2nd Central European Symposium of Building Physics
5th International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modeling/Simulation/Optimization
Bustamante W; F, Encinas; C. Vásquez y S.Vera. Architectural design strategies based on experimental analysis in office buildings in Santiago, Chile. Proceedings 28th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. PLEA 2012. Towards an environmentally responsible architecture. Lima. Perú. 7-9 Noviembre 2012. (2012)
PLEA 2012. Towards an environmentally responsible architecture
11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Techonolgies
Mena J., Vera S., Correa J.F. and Lopez M. (2012)
Construction and Building Materials 27 1 60-65
Proceedings of the 5th International Building Conference
11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Techonolgies
Vera S., Fazio P. and Rao J. (2010)
Building and Environment 45 5 1192-1201
Vera S., Fazio P. and Rao J. (2010)
Building and Environment 45 3 622-631
Vera S, Fazio P, Rao J (2009) Estimation of interzonal mass airflows through a large horizontal opening in a full-scale two-story tes-hut with buoyancy anf forced driven flows. Conference Proceedings of Energy Efficiency and New Approaches, 4th International Building Physics Conference, Turkey, 671-678. (2009)
Conference Proceedings of Energy Efficiency and New Approaches, 4th International Building Physics C 671-678
Conference Proceedings of Energy Efficiency and New Approaches, 4th International Building Physics C 815-822
Fazio, P.,
Vera, S., Rao, J., Yang, X.Ge, H. (2008) Common Exercise 6 - Datasets of WBHAMIndoor Conditions for Single RoomTwo-room Setups. Modelling PrinciplesCommon Exercises, eds. M. WoloszynC. Rode , Annex 41 Whole Building Heat, Air and Moisture Response, International Energy Agency, p 201-214 (2008)
Annex 41 Whole Building Heat, Air and Moisture Response, International Energy Agency 1 201-214
Annex 41 Whole Building Heat, Air and Moisture Response Anexo (CD)
Vera, S., Fazio, P.Rao, J. (2008) Experimental Setup and Initial Results of Moisture Transport through Horizontal Openings. Proceedings of 8th Nordic Symposium of Building Physics, Junio 16-18, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, Vol. 1, p. 393-400 (2008)
Proceedings of 8th Nordic Symposium of Building Physics 1 393-400
Yang, X.,
Vera, S., Rao, J., Gua, H.Fazio, P. (2007) Full-scale Experimental Investigation of Moisture Buffering Effect and Indoor Moisture Distribution. Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings X International Conference, Diciembre 2-7, Florida, p. 1-8 (2007)
Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings X International Conference 1-8
Vera, S., Yang, X., Rao, J., Ge, H.Fazio, P. (2007). Moisture Interaction between the Building EnvelopeIndoor Environment: Experimental Setup and Preliminary Results. Proceedings of 12th Symposium for Building Physics, Marzo 29-31, Dresden, Alemania, Vol. 2, p. 955-962 (2007)
Proceedings of 12th Symposium for Building Physics 2 955-962
Fazio, P., Mao, Q., Alturkistani A.,
Vera, S.Rao, J. (2006) Establishing a Uniform and Measurable Moisture Source to Evaluate the Drying Capacity of Building Envelope System. Proceedings of 3rd International Building Physics Conference, Montreal, Agosto, p. 369-377 (2006)
Proceedings of 3rd International Building Physics Conference 369-377
Vera, S. y Ordenes, M. (2003) Evaluación del desempeño energi-térmico de una vivienda social en Chile, utilizando un programa de simulación energética de edificios Anales del Congreso ENCAC-COTEDI. p1548 .2003, Brasil (2003)
Transportation Research Record 2 1819 44-51
Materiales de Construccion 52 127 5-22
Sergio Vera, Martín Ordenes (2002) Evaluación del desempeño energi-térmico de una vivienda social en Chile, utilizando un programa de simulación energética de edificios Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, Vol. 17, Nº3, Sept.-Dic.2002. (2002)
17 3