Chile will host World Meeting of Engineers
Chile’s capital, Santiago, was chosen to host the next World Meeting of engineers, which annually brings together leading academic authorities in engineering from public and private universities around the world.
This was announced by the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) to the Engineering School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), the institution selected to organize the international event scheduled for October 2019. The last venue was the city of Niagara, Ontario, Canada.
“This meeting provides an opportunity to exchange experiences and challenges in directing the training of future engineers. It is also a means for academic authorities to associate with each other in curricular development and innovation,” said Juan Carlos de la Llera, Dean of UC Engineering.
The member of the GEDC who nominated Chile as the venue stated that this event also provides a support network to deans of engineering, encouraging them to play a leading role in improving the quality of education and in shaping regional and national policies that contribute to development in their country.
For ten years, the international meeting has gathered together representatives of the four thousand engineering institutions in the world, which train more than one million engineers annually.
In the past, forums have addressed engineering challenges in providing food, drinking water, health, safety and energy. They have also focused on challenges due to demographic and climatic changes, among others.