Opening of the World Dean’s Conference
Attended by authorities from Universidad Católica, the Engineering School and the Global Engineering Deans Council, alongside over 200 participants from 32 countries around the world.
The Vice Chancellor of Research from the Universidad Católica (UC), Professor Pedro Bouchon, delivered the opening words at the 2019 Global Engineering Deans Council conference, organized by said international council, the UC School of Engineering and Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.

Natacha Depaola, chair of GEDC (2017-2019)
The Vice Chancellor gave thanks for the efforts made by engineering school leaders in attending the conference. He referred to the complex moment undergoing Chilean society and how it should be approached from various perspectives and in a collaborative manner, with a real understanding of the different problems. “Engineers have a lot to say and to contribute to the changes that are needed. More than ever, societies need the minds, hearts and hands of engineers”, he added.
As co-host of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC), its president, Natacha Depaola, explained the role of the group to the attendees. “Our mission is to serve as a global network of deans, chancellors and leaders of academia and take advantage of our collective strengths for the development of education and research in engineering.” In addition, she addressed some of the areas of focus in the GEDC’s work, such as the importance of sharing knowledge and the development of programs and opportunities promoting a connection with industry, among others.

Dean of PUC School of Engineering and host of GEDC 2019: Juan Carlos de la Llera
The Dean of the School of Engineering of Universidad Católica, Professor Juan Carlos de la Llera, also referred to the current situation in the country, highlighting that “this congress represents a unique opportunity, because its motto and the topics to be addressed anticipate the relevance and the need for this deeper dialogue between progress and societal development in which engineering and technology will have a key role.”
Tribute to the former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Alejandro Jadresic (1956-2019)
During the ceremony, tribute was also paid to Alejandro Jadresic, an outstanding member of the Global Engineering Deans Council in Latin America, who sadly passed away in June 2019.

Francesca Di Girolamo, Jadresic´s wife, receiving a commemorative gift.
Jadresic was a leading Chilean Engineer, Economist and Academic, State Minister and expert in regulatory matters. Between 2006 and 2018 he was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
Natacha Depaola highlighted the work undertaken by Dean Jadresic as President of the Latin American chapter of the Global Engineering Deans Council and member of the group: “Always present, always dedicated, always with ideas. A great collaborator, with an extraordinary passion and dedication”, were some of her words.
Several of his closest relatives also attended the occasion, including his wife Francesca Di Girolamo, who received a gift to mark his remembrance, awarded by the GEDC and the School of Engineering UC, as part of the tribute.