Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Department Directors

Each of the ten departments within the School of Engineering is led by a director chosen through a vote among professors. Each director is responsible for representing and administering the organization of their respective department.

The School of Engineering has ten departments, each of which is led by a director who is elected by their department peers. The department directors are responsible for representing and administering the organization of their respective department.

All department directors are professors within the same departments they represent, having been selected by their colleagues to lead both the academic and administrative spheres of their respective department.


Sergio VeraDepartment of Construction Engineering and Management
Christian LedezmaD. of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
Jorge GironásD. of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Ricardo GiesenDepartment of Transport and Logistics Engineering
Tomás ReyesDepartment of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Magdalena WalczakDepartment of Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineering
José Ricardo PérezDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses
Matías NegreteDepartment of Electrical Engineering
Miguel NussbaumDepartment of Computer Sciences
Juan Carlos SalasDepartment of Mining Engineering


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