Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Major in Civil Engineering

Developing skills that allow the creation of innovative and sustainable infrastructure projects and works through the fundamentals of civil engineering is the main objective of this program.

The Major in Civil Engineering develops the ability to specifically apply the fundamentals of civil engineering to detect current opportunities and problems in design and execution that impact the development of projects and works of infrastructure (e.g. civil, industrial, building, hydraulic, mining, and transport works, among others), generating innovative, sustainable solutions that comply with technical, social, and economical restrictions.

The Engineering Sciences Degree with the Major in Civil Engineering has general and specific (track) components, allowing students to specialize in one of the many areas of civil engineering.

Required Exploratory Course

  • ICC1001 Introduction to Civil Engineering

This course will allow students to obtain a general vision of the Major in Civil Engineering and the areas of knowledge that are studied.

Employment Prospects

The Bachelor of Science in Engineering graduates with a Major in Civil Engineering can be employed in engineering offices and consultancies, providing support in tasks related to the design, review, and evaluation of infrastructure projects and works.

Some graduates may also conduct field work associated with the areas of construction, mining, the environmental, and geotechnical, among others. Additionally, graduates can apply their knowledge in the experimental area, making field and laboratory measurements. Finally, graduates can participate in institutions related to public works.

Program Director

“The UC Major in Civil Engineering will provide you with a wide range of knowledge related to the design and materialization of infrastructure works. This major provides a broad vision of the engineering needed to resolve problems and implement the infrastructure projects that Chile needs,” Mauricio López.

List of Elective Courses


* This Major does not have the option to choose minors, but allows choosing a Track among 8 options in the Civil Engineering area: Environmental Engineering Track, Construction Engineering and Management Track, Works Design and Construction Engineering Track, Structural Engineering Track, Geotechnical Engineering Track, Hydraulic Engineering Track, Mining Engineering Track and Transportation Engineering Track

Contact: mic@ing.puc.cl

This recommended curriculum is subject to modifications in accordance with current academic planning at the time of course enrollment. Stay informed as to the most recent updates to the Academic Plan.