Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Major in Robotics Engineering

This program instills students with the ability to construct and apply devices and software to the advanced automatization of instruments, machines, and complex productive processes, integrating knowledge from the areas of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and the computer sciences.

Robotics is characterized today not only for being used in the performance of repetitive industrial manufacturing tasks, but also for its medical, scientific and military applications. The development and use of robots is especially useful in finding solutions to dangerous and expensive jobs or manual tasks, or that combine both aspects.

Recommended Exploratory Courses

  • IRB1001 Introduction to Robotics

These courses will allow students to obtain a general vision of the Major in Robotics Engineering and the areas of knowledge that are studied.

Associated Depth Minors

  • Robotics

Employment Prospects

The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a Major in Robotics Engineering will be able to participate in automatization and robotics projects, designing systems that combine perception, calculus, and action to the real world by applying the fundamentals of computer, mechanical, and electrical engineering.

Program Director

“The Major in Robotics Engineering will equip you to face technological challenges and create solutions that integrate computing, electronics, and mechanics in the design and implementation stages. Students of this major are known for their talent, passion, and dedication to developing autonomous systems and robotics that address the current needs of industry and society,” Miguel Torres Torriti.

List of Electives


Contact: majorsar@ing.puc.cl

This recommended curriculum is subject to modifications in accordance with current academic planning at the time of course enrollment. Stay informed as to the most recent updates to the Academic Plan.