Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Uribe J.J. and Gutiérrez S. (2014)

A method based on non-steady heat diffusion problems for detecting the location of inclusions

Revista : Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
Volumen : 22
Número : 7
Páginas : 1128-1149
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


This work is concerned with the resolution of nverse problems for the detection of defects inside a homogeneous medium using non-steady heat diffusion problem, under the assumption of smallcontrast on the value of the conductivity coefficient between the matrix material and that of the defect. This is the so-called small amplitude, small contrast or small aspect ratio assumption.Following the idea developed by Allaire and Gutiérrez for optimal design problems, we develop a second order asymptotic expansion with respect to the aspect ratio, which allows us to simplify the inverse problem, considering it as an optimizationproblem. According to this, we can develop a gradient type algorithm, that reduces, in the time interval being considered, the difference between the boundary values obtained from a problem that is numerically solved with full knowledge of the defect distribution and boundary values obtained from solving another problem based on an assumption on the distribution of the defect.In general, by the use of non steady problems, we can obtain substantially better information of the defects location compared to using steady problems.