A Mobile Cloud Shared Workspace to Support Homecare for Respiratory Diseases in Chile
Tipo de publicación : Conferencia No A* ni AAbstract
Respiratory diseases are a group of chronic diseases affecting the airways and other structures of the lungs, which cause thousands of breathing problems in Chile. Respiratory Therapy services comprise a variety of interventions that are related to airway management and maintenance of lung health. In Chile, RTs are predominantly carried out in hospitals, especially in high-intensity areas such as intensive care units. However, RTs also work in outpatient settings, for instance, patients can receive treatment at home in pulmonary rehabilitation programs. RTs at home involve an active role of the caregivers in charge of the patients health. In the case of informal caregivers, this situation results in a deterioration of the quality of life. At the same time, innovations in mobile and electronic healthcare open up new ways of supporting patients and caregivers. This brings up the question: how can we contribute to the quality of life of a patients support network and enhance RTs through the use of information technology and communication services? This paper presents a mobile cloud shared workspace to support and improve homecare for respiratory diseases. The platform is the result of research and development work performed during the last two years.