Experimental analysis of large capacity MR dampers with short- and long-stroke | Ingeniería UC
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Zemp R., de la Llera J.C. and Weber F. (2014)

Experimental analysis of large capacity MR dampers with short- and long-stroke

Revista : Smart Materials and Structures
Volumen : 23
Número : 12
Páginas : 15pp
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


The purpose of this article is to study and characterize experimentally two magneto-rheological dampers with short- and long-stroke, denoted hereafter as MRD-S and MRD-L. The latter was designed to improve the Earthquake performance of a 21-story reinforced concrete building equipped with two 160 ton tuned pendular masses. The MRD-L has a nominal force capacity of 300 kN and a stroke of ±1 m; the MRD-S has a nominal force capacity of 150 kN, and a stroke of ±0.1 m. The MRD-S was tested with two different magneto-rheological and one viscous fluid. Due to the presence of Eddy currents, both dampers show a time lag between current intensity and damper force as the magnetization on the damper changes in time. Experimental results from the MRD-L show a force drop-off behavior. A decrease in active-mode forces due to temperature increase is also analyzed for the MRD-S and the different fluids. Moreover, the observed increase in internal damper pressure due to energy dissipation is evaluated for the different fluids in both dampers. An analytical model to predict internal pressure increase in the damper is proposed that includes as a parameter the concentration of magnetic particles inside the fluid. Analytical dynamic pressure results are validated using the experimental tests. Finally, an extended Bingham fluid model, which considers compressibility of the fluid, is also proposed and validated using damper tests.