‘Lean Diagnosis for Chilean Construction Industry: Towards More Sustainable Lean Practices and Tools
Tipo de publicación : Conferencia No A* ni AAbstract
Construction companies face important challenges to implement and sustain Lean methods, and they need to periodically assess the state of their implementation efforts. This paper presents the results of a collaborative initiative from seven Chilean construction companies to diagnose the implementation state of some aspects of Lean organizations: Philosophy, Culture and Technology. The diagnosis was carried out using data from four different tools: interviews with managers, workshops with Last Planner implementers, visits to projects and planning meetings, and an organizational survey to validate previous results. Despite 90% of managers believe that Lean is central to enhancing their businesses, important barriers to sustain practices were detected such as Last Planner (LP), which was identified as a common tool among those companies. Thus, the most important aspects observed could be summarized as lack of certainty, lack of training, and very limited use of other tools; moreover, important differences were identified with regards to the level of LP implementations. The diagnosis is expected to constitute a base to generate improved company strategies to implement and sustain Lean construction practices, with emphasis in the development of people as a core of Lean organizations.