Polynomial-Time Reformulations of LTL Temporally Extended Goals into Final-State Goals
Revista : Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)Páginas : 1696-1703
Tipo de publicación : Conferencia No A* ni A
Linear temporal logic (LTL) is an expressive language that allows specifying temporally extended goals and preferences. A general approach to dealing with general LTL properties in planning is by “compiling them away”; i.e., in a pre-processing phase, all LTL formulas are converted into simple, non-temporal formulas that can be evaluated in a planning state. This is accomplished by first generating a finite-state automaton for the formula, and then by introducing new fluents that are used to capture all possible runs of the automaton. Unfortunately, current translation approaches are worst-case exponential on the size of the LTL formula. In this paper, we present a polynomial approach to compiling away LTL goals. Our method relies on the exploitation of alternating automata. Since alternating automata are different from non-deterministic automata, our translation technique does not capture all possible runs in a planning state and thus is very different from previous approaches. We prove that our translation is sound and complete, and evaluate it empirically showing that it has strengths and weaknesses. Specifically, we find classes of formulas in which it seems to outperform significantly the current state of the art.