Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Concepción During the 2010, Maule Earthquake
Tipo de publicación : Conferencia No A* ni AAbstract
This article describes the response of eight shear wall buildings that experienced severe structural damage in Concepcion during the February 27th, 2010 Chile earthquake. Damaged elements within the lateral force-resisting systems of the buildings were less than 10%, suggesting little inelastic redistribution. It was also localized mostly in shear walls of lower stories and in the first basement. The most affected structures were rather new buildings founded on soft soils and presenting some degree of vertical and/or horizontal irregularity. Key aspects to understand the observed damage are: geographical orientation, vertical and horizontal irregularities, boundary reinforcement detailing, axial loads, and brittle cyclic behaviour. Geometric and response building indices such as vibration periods and regularity indices were estimated for all buildings. Additionally, four critical structures are subjected to a building-code type analysis and results presented. It is concluded that current shear wall design provisions need to be revised.