Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Arenas M. and Díaz G.I. (2016)

The Exact Complexity of the First-Order Logic Definability Problem

Revista : ACM Transactions on Database Systems
Volumen : 41
Número : 2
Páginas : 14pp
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


We study the definability problem for first-order logic, denoted by FO-Def. The input of FO-Def is a relational database instance I and a relation R; the question to answer is whether there exists a first-order query Q (or, equivalently, a relational algebra expression Q) such that Q evaluated on I gives R as an answer.Although the study of FO-Def dates back to 1978, when the decidability of this problem was shown, the exact complexity of FO-Def remains as a fundamental open problem. In this article, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for solving FO-Def that uses calls to a graph-isomorphism subroutine (or oracle). As a consequence, the first-order definability problem is found to be complete for the class GI of all problems that are polynomial-time Turing reducible to the graph isomorphism problem, thus closing the open question about the exact complexity of this problem. The technique used is also applied to a generalized version of the problem that accepts a finite set of relation pairs, and whose exact complexity was also open; this version is also found to be GI-complete.