Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Hurtubia, R., Guevara, A.Donoso, P. (2015). Using images to measure qualitative attributes of public spaces through SP surveys. Transport Survey Methods: Embracing Behavioural and Technological Changes Selected contributions from the 10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods 16-21 November 2014, Leura, Australia (2015)

Using images to measure qualitative attributes of public spaces through SP surveys

Revista : Transportation Research Procedia
Volumen : 11
Páginas : 460 - 474
Tipo de publicación : Revistas Ir a publicación


Stated preference choice experiments can benefit from the use of images to describe complex scenarios such as public spaces or urban infrastructure. However, images will be perceived subjectively by users who will probably understand them in a more qualitative than quantitative way. A method to quantify the relevance of qualitative attributes of public spaces such as beauty, safety or security is proposed. The method is based on the sequential estimation of discrete choice and latent variable models. Two case studies are described and the complexity of the construction of images is discussed. Results show that the proposed method allows the inclusion of qualitative features in choice models, but the use of images introduces a bias in the perception of the magnitude of design attributes that should be analysed carefully.