Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Automatic credit card payment – Infrastructure

Thank you for your interest in supporting the m2 Campaign, which aims to provide financing for the new Student Hall.

To set up an automatic monthly donation through your credit card, please complete the following form. We will then send the respective authorization form to the indicated email.

Please review, print, sign, scan, and return the signed authorization form via email to finalize donation setup.


    [group monto-1]

    [group monto-2]

    [group monto-3]


    Datos personales

    Datos tarjeta cargo

    [group periodicidad-1]

    [group periodicidad-2]


    ¿Solicita Certificado de donación? (Donación mensual superiores a $100.000 acogida a Ley donaciones 18.681).

    More information on Donations Law 18.681

    +56(2) 23547646- 23544949