Women’s Day
To celebrate Women’s Day, we invite all female students from the School of Engineering to a luncheon. In addition to fostering community, this event provides information on the UC Engineering Women Program and on activities for the upcoming year.
Women engineers in business
Business visits are organized throughout the year so that female students can meet women engineers currently working in industry. Students are provided with personal insights on the careers of female engineers, on how to manage complex work situations, and on how to balance work and family life. Among the visited companies are Microsoft, IBM, Accenture, Fluor, Bechtel y BCG.
Women in Engineering Week
This week serves as an opportunity for UC Engineering students to meet and establish contacts with women engineers. Different activities are held throughout the week, including talks with prominent women engineers, breakfasts with alumni, and luncheons with female professors and staff.
The aims of this initiative are to communicate the importance of women in the professional world and to contribute to the personal development of female UC Engineering students through mentorship relationships with women engineers.
Contact: mujeres@ing.puc.cl