Profesor Asistente
Andrés Prieto
- Biografía
- Biography
El profesor Andrés J. Prieto se graduó en el área enfocada a Ciencia y Tecnología en Edificación en 2012, Universidad de Sevilla (US), España. Posteriormente en 2013 concluyó su grado de magister en el campo de Gestión Integral de Edificación (US) y en 2017 finalizó su doctorado enfocado en el uso de Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a la gestión y predicción de vida útil de edificios (US), España. Entre 2018 y 2021 fue profesor asistente en el Instituto de Arquitectura (FAA), Universidad Austral de Chile. Desde marzo 2021, es profesor asistente del Depto. de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción, Escuela de Ingeniería UC. Ha trabajado en el área de sistemas predictivos difusos (fuzzy logic) aplicados a la etapa de operación de proyectos, análisis de gestión de riesgos (ISO31000) y en el desarrollo de metodologías de predicción de vida útil (ISO15686) de materiales de construcción principalmente en España, Portugal y Chile. Actualmente, ha publicado 29 artículos WoS. Ha sido Investigador Responsable del Proyecto FONDECYT Iniciación ANID/FONDECYT/11190554 y del Proyecto ANID PCI MEC N°80190051. Actualmente, es Director del Proyecto ANID FONDEF IDeA I+D 2023 “Desarrollo y aplicación de un software basado en inteligencia artificial para la optimización del uso de recursos destinados a la gestión de infraestructura horizontal en aeropuertos, a partir de la predicción de vida útil de pavimentos”. En cuanto a una proyección de trabajos futuros, estos tienen que ver con el desarrollo y aplicación de modelos de predicción de comportamiento en proyectos de construcción e industrialización, promoviendo el análisis de grandes bases de datos (Big Data Analytics) en la visión Digital Lean Project Management. Premios y distinciones: (i) Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la Universidad de Sevilla (España) convocatoria 2017/2018; (ii) Premio Trimestral IUACC a la Mejor Publicación Científica en Arquitectura y Ciencias de la Construcción. Instituto Universitario de Arquitectura y Ciencias de la Construcción, Sept. 2021 (Universidad de Sevilla, España). Journal: Automation in Construction, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103813.
Professor Andrés J. Prieto graduated in the field of Building Science and Technology in 2012 from the University of Seville (US), Spain. Subsequently, in 2013, he completed his master’s degree in the field of Comprehensive Building Management (US), and in 2017, he concluded his doctoral degree focused on the use of Artificial Intelligence applied to the management and prediction of the lifespan of buildings (US), Spain.
Between 2018 and 2021, he was an assistant professor at the Institute of Architecture (FAA), Universidad Austral de Chile. Since March 2021, he has been an assistant professor in the Department of Engineering and Construction Management, School of Engineering UC. He has worked in the area of fuzzy logic-based predictive systems applied to the operational stage of projects, risk management analysis (ISO31000), and the development of lifespan prediction methodologies (ISO15686) for construction materials, mainly in Spain, Portugal, and Chile.
Currently, he has published 29 WoS (Web of Science) articles. He has been the Principal Investigator of the FONDECYT Iniciación ANID/FONDECYT/11190554 project and the ANID PCI MEC N°80190051 project. Presently, he is the Director of the ANID FONDEF IDeA I+D 2023 project «Development and application of an artificial intelligence-based software for optimizing the use of resources for the management of horizontal infrastructure at airports, based on the prediction of pavement lifespan.» Regarding future work projections, his focus lies in the development and application of behavior prediction models in construction and industrialization projects, promoting the analysis of large databases (Big Data Analytics) within the framework of Digital Lean Project Management. Awards and distinctions: (i) Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Seville (Spain) in the 2017/2018 competition. (ii) IUACC Quarterly Award for Best Scientific Publication in Architecture and Construction Sciences. University Institute of Architecture and Construction Sciences, September 2021 (University of Seville, Spain). Journal: Automation in Construction, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103813.
“Desarrollar un nuevo software capaz de predecir la vida útil de pavimentos de hormigón y asfalto en aeropuertos Chile, utilizando la inteligencia artificial, tecnología que al menos en el ámbito público en Chile, no se ha implementado en este tipo de nuevas tecnologías digitales”
Más de 10 años de experiencia
Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de Edificación
Universidad de Sevilla
Master in Integral Building Management with a focused on Sustainability,
Universidad de Sevilla
Doctoral Degree on Artificial Intelligence in Construction Management and Service Life Prediction of Buildings,
Universidad de Sevilla
Líneas de Investigación
Recursos, tecnologías e ingeniería para una infraestructura sustentable y resiliente
- Gestión digital de la construcción
- Productividad
- Inteligencia artificial en la gestión de procesos
- Predicción de vida útil de edificios y materiales de construcción
- Lean Management en proyectos construcción
Prieto AJ, Torres-González M, Carpio M. Virtual web-based instruments in the evaluation of functional degradation of heritage timber buildings. Building Research & Information, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2023.2214826
Prieto AJ, Alarcón LF. Using fuzzy inference system for lean management strategies in construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2023. DOI: Just-accepted for publication.
Prieto AJ, Saelzer G, Palma D, Riveros M. Digital preservation system in heritage timber buildings. A detailed application in Purranque, Chile. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001710.
Silva A, de Brito J, Thomsen A, Straub A, Prieto AJ, Lacasse MA. Causal effects among the criteria to establish the end of service life of buildings and components. Buildings, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12020088.
Moreno M, Prieto AJ, Ortiz R, Cagigas-Muñiz D, Becerra J, Garrido-Vizuete MA, Segura D, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez MJ and Ortiz P. Preventive conservation and restoration monitoring of heritage buildings based on fuzzy logic. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2021.2018520.
Moreno M, Ortiz R, Cagigas-Muñiz D, Becerra J, Martin JM, Prieto AJ, Garrido-Vizuete MA, Macías-Bernal JM, Ortiz P. ART-RISK 3.0 a fuzzy – based platform that combines GIS and expert assessments for conservation strategies in cultural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2022.03.012.
Prieto AJ, Silva A, Tori F, Carpio M. Estimating functional and physical service life of timber buildings concerning thermal performance simulations. Buildings, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12091299.
Cabello C, Verichev K, Prieto AJ. Digital fuzzy control system for monitoring environmental conditions and technical suitability of shelters at archaeological sites. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2022.09.001.
Silva A, Prieto AJ. Modelling the service life of timber claddings using the factor method. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2020.102137.
Prieto AJ. Fuzzy systems in the digital management of heritage timber buildings in South Chile. Building Research & Information, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2021.1889350.
Carpio M, Ortega J, Prieto AJ. Expert panel on in-situ visual inspections for masonry churches maintenance stage. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3846/jcem.2021.15256.
Torres-González M, Prieto AJ, Alejandre FJ, Blasco FJ. Digital management focused on the preventive maintenance of World Heritage Sites. Automation in Construction, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103813.
Carpio M, Prieto AJ. Expert panel, preventive maintenance of heritage buildings and fuzzy system. An application in Valdivia, Chile. Sustainability, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13126922.
Prieto AJ, Verichev K, Silva A. An approach concerning climate change and timber building resilience: Araucanía region, South Chile. Buildings, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11100452.
Pizarro L, Díaz-Lazcano V, Zumelzu A, Prieto AJ. Resilience and Sustainability Assessment of Cultural Heritage and Built Environment: The Libertad Pedestrian Walkway in Valdivia, Chile. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2021.11.013.
Prieto AJ, Verichev K, Carpio M. Heritage, resilience and climate change: A fuzzy logic application in timber framed masonry buildings in Valparaíso, Chile. Building and Environment, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106657.
Prieto AJ, Turbay I, Ortiz R, Chávez M-J, Macías-Bernal JM, Ortiz P. A fuzzy logic approach to preventive conservation of cultural heritage churches in Popayán, Colombia. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2020.1737892.
Prieto AJ, Verichev K, Silva A, de Brito J. On the impacts of climate change on the functional deterioration of heritage buildings in South Chile. Building and Environment, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107138.
Cabello C, Prieto AJ, Ortiz P. Determination of the technical suitability of shelters for archaeological sites using fuzzy logic. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2020.11.006.
Prieto AJ, Vásquez V, Silva A, Horn A, Alejandre FJ, Macías-Bernal JM. Protection value and functional service life of heritage timber buildings. Building Research & Information, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2017.1404827.
Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez MJ, Alejandre FJ and Silva A. Impact of maintenance, rehabilitation and other interventions in the functionality of heritage buildings. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001271.
Prieto AJ and Silva A. Service life prediction and environmental exposure conditions of timber claddings in South Chile. Building, Research and Information, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2019.1631143.
Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Silva A and Ortiz P. Fuzzy decision-support system for safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Sustainability, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su11143953.
Prieto AJ, Silva A, de Brito J, Macías-Bernal JM. Serviceability of facade claddings. Building Research & Information, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2016.1264808.
Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez MJ, Alejandre FJ. Fuzzy modelling in functional service life of architectural heritage buildings. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001021.
Prieto AJ, Silva A, de Brito J, Macías-Bernal JM, Alejandre FJ. The influence of pathological situations on churches’ functionality: an approach based on historical records. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2016.1272011.
Prieto AJ, Silva A, de Brito J, Macías-Bernal JM, Alejandre FJ. Multiple linear regression and fuzzy logic models applied to the functional service life prediction of cultural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2017.03.004.
Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez M-J, Alejandre FJ. Expert system for predicting buildings service life under ISO 31000. Application in architectural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2016, 18: 209-218. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2015.10.006.
Prieto AJ, Silva A, de Brito J, Alejandre FJ. Functional and physical service life of natural stone claddings. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001663.
Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez M-J, Alejandre FJ. Expert system for predicting buildings service life under ISO 31000. Application in architectural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2016, 18: 209-218. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2015.10.006.
Prieto AJ, Silva A, de Brito J, Alejandre FJ. Functional and physical service life of natural stone claddings. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001663.
Prieto AJ, Silva A, Carpio M. Advances in service life prediction and thermal energy performance of timber buildings. World Building Congress - WBC 2022. Melbourne, Australia, 27-30 June 2022.
Carpio M, Prieto AJ. Influence of the urban heat island effect on interstitial condensation in residential buildings with a temperate oceanic climate. World Building Congress - WBC 2022. Melbourne, Australia, 27-30 June 2022.
Prieto AJ, Alarcón LF. Digital lean management system in residential construction projects. Application in Santiago, Chile. World Building Congress - WBC 2022. Melbourne, Australia, 27-30 June 2022.
Prieto AJ, Carpio M. A fuzzy logic system based on climate conditions: Applicability to architecture, engineering and construction sector. 9th Euro-American Congress - Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management - REHABEND 2022. Granada, España, 13-16 September 2022.
Carpio M, Prieto AJ. Aplicación de sistema de lógica difusa con énfasis en condiciones climáticas en el sector de la edificación: Caso de estudio de Santiago de Chile. 9th Euro-American Congress - Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management - REHABEND 2022. Granada, España, 13-16 September 2022.
Pizarro-Reyes L, Zumelzu A, Prieto AJ. La fotografía como herramienta de diagnóstico en Inmuebles de Conservación Histórica de la Región de Los Ríos. El caso de la ciudad de Valdivia. Primer Seminario de Investigación de Postgrado Red PHI 2021. June 2021. (online).
Cabello-Briones C, Prieto AJ, Ortiz P, Barrio-Martin J. Monitoring the technical suitability of shelters for the preventive conservation of archaeological sites: A fuzzy logic system applied to Complutum, Spain. CollectionCare: New Challenges in Preventive Conservation, Predictive Analysis and Environmental Monitoring. Valencia, Spain, December 2021.
Vásquez V, Valdebenito G and Prieto AJ. Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad sísmica simplificada de edificios patrimoniales de madera en el sur de Chile. Un caso de estudio. 8th Euro-American Congress - Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management - REHABEND 2020. Granada, España, 28-30 September 2020 (online).
Carpio M and Prieto AJ. Metodologías para evaluar el impacto de aspectos climáticos sobre construcciones patrimoniales: Una aplicación del método Delphi. 8th Euro-American Congress - Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management - REHABEND 2020. Granada, España, 28-30 September 2020 (online).
Silva A and Prieto AJ. Probabilistic approach to the service life prediction of timber claddings. XV DBMC 2020 - 15th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Barcelona, España, 20-23 October 2020 (online).
Pizarro L, Díaz-Lazcano V, Zumelzu A and Prieto AJ. Evaluación de condiciones de resiliencia, sustentabilidad y bienestar del entorno construido. Un caso de estudio en el centro histórico de Valdivia. READU 2020 - 10º Encuentro de Diseño Urbano. Santiago, Chile, November 2020 (online).
Prieto AJ, Ortiz R, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez M-J and Ortiz P. Artificial intelligence applied to the preventive conservation of heritage buildings. 4th TechnoHeritage 2019 International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Seville, Spain, 26-30 March 2019.
Prieto AJ and Silva A. Application of the Factor Method to the service life prediction of external timber claddings. CIB World Building Congress 2019 - Constructing Smart Cities. Hong Kong, China, 17-21 June 2019.
Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Alejandre FJ, Silva A, Chávez, M-J. Evaluación de los costes de mantenimiento y restauración de edificios patrimoniales. PATORREB 2018 – 6º Congreso de Patología y Rehabilitación de Edificios. Río de Janeiro, Brazil, 04-06 April 2018.
Prieto AJ, Vásquez V, Horn A, Silva A, Alejandre FJ, Macías-Bernal JM. Characterization of the main anomalies in timber external claddings. A case study, the city of Valdivia, Austral region of Chile. Congreso Euro-Americano REHABEND 2018. Cáceres, Spain, 15-18 May 2018.
Prieto AJ and Silva A. Service life prediction of external timber claddings. CIB Symposium on Durability and Climate Change 2018. National Research Council of Canada (NRCC), Ottawa, Canada, 19-23 September 2018. ISBN: 978-90-803-022-80.
Vásquez V, Valdebenito G, Prieto AJ. Riesgo sísmico y patrimonio local. La central hidroeléctrica Llollelhue. 8º Encuentro Internacional Diseño Urbano 2018, Iquique, Chile 17-19 October 2018.
Ortiz P, Ortiz R, Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM. Inteligencia artificial aplicada a la conservación preventiva de edificios patrimoniales (Proyecto Art-Risk. PNIC 2016/03). La Ciencia y el Arte VII, Ciencias y tecnologías aplicadas a la conservación del patrimonio. Madrid, España 24-26 October 2018.
Cagigas-Muñiz, Martín JM, Prieto AJ, Romero A, Ortiz R, Macías-Bernal JM, Ortiz P. A new tool based on Artificial Intelligence and GIS for preventive conservation of heritage buildings. International Conference Resilience and Sustainable of Cities in Hazardous Environments, Naples, Italy 26-30 November 2018.
Ortiz R, Garrido-Vizuete MA, Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Becerra J, Benítez J, Gómez-Morón MA, Martín JM, Segura Pachón D, Tirado-Hernández A, Turbay I, Chávez MJ, Cagigas-Muñiz D, Vásquez-González A, Contreras-Zamorano GM, Cisternas V, Ortiz P. Preventive conservation of monuments based on DELPHI method and Fuzzy Logic. International Conference Resilience and Sustainable of Cities in Hazardous Environments, Naples, Italy 26-30 November 2018. (Póster).
Alejandre FJ, Chávez M-J, Macías-Bernal JM, Prieto AJ. Functional Service Life of Buildings using Fuzzy. Workshop RTRT 16: Ramsey Theory and Related Topics. Seville, Spain, 24-27 Oct 2016.
Macías-Bernal JM, Prieto AJ. Heritage Conservation with Expert System. I International Meeting of Young Researchers on Heritage, 19-21 November 2014, Baeza, Spain.
Macías-Bernal JM, Prieto AJ. Geographic Information Systems; Preventive Conservation of Architectural Heritage. DySES 2014 - VII International Meeting in Dynamics of the Socio-Economic System, 16-18 September 2014, Seville, Spain.
Macías-Bernal JM, Prieto AJ. Time Series for Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage. TechnoHeritage 2014 - II International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Seville, Spain, 24-27 June 2014. .