Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

The Bridge

The goal of this initiative is to insert the UC School of Engineering community into the most vibrant and active ecosystems for innovation and entrepreneurship that exist worldwide. Through intense explorative immersion, the expectation is that program participants fully experience the entrepreneurial culture, learn how to be leaders of entrepreneurship, connect with important networks, and further the development of their own projects. After returning from the program, The Bridge participants should be able to dissect new environments and become successful innovators within existing business or as founders of new companies that will respond to the most urgent needs of society.

“Bridges” have already been built to connect with the entrepreneurship ecosystems of Silicon Valley and Boston, and foundations are being solidified to connect with Europe and Asia. This initiative means that our community has the same opportunities as individuals living in these international entrepreneurship ecosystems.

Financial and networking support is provided for the program duration, thus allowing students the chance to fully explore the industries in which they aim to insert their ventures and to establish the contacts needed to accelerate their projects.

Questions? Please write to Constance Fleet at cfleet@ing.puc.cl