Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

A Co-Design Approach to Explore Health Data Representation for Older Adults in Chile and Ecuador

Revista : Designing Interactive Systems (Conferencia A en Ranking CORE)
Páginas : 1802-1817
Tipo de publicación : Conferencia No A* ni A Ir a publicación


Displaying the information collected by mobile health technologies remains a challenge, especially when considering representation of health data for older adults – i.e., where and how to display data captured by health devices. We focus on an underrepresented group in HCI research: older adults in the global south, specifically in Chile and Ecuador. We studied the opinions of a group of 18 older adults on health data representation through interviews and remote co-design practices, encouraging them to imagine representations of health data through a presentation of personal objects. They imagined representations of health data in analog formats, where contextual information would be included. Visualization designs can be integrated into objects that older adults use frequently or are close to them. This study contributes design ideas on representations of health data for older adults in the global south and reflections on how to engage this population in remote co-design activities.