Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Aguilera J. (2024)

Berries as Foods: Processing, Products, and Health Implications

Revista : Annual Review of Food Science and Technology
Volumen : 15
Páginas : 1-26
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


Berries are highly regarded as flavorful and healthy fruits that may prevent or delay some chronic diseases attributed to oxidative stress and inflammation. Berries are low in calories and harbor diverse bioactive phytochemicals, antioxidants, dietary fibers, and vitamins. This review delves into the main characteristics of fresh berries and berry products as foods and the technologies associated with their production. The main effects of processing operations and related variables on bioactive components and antioxidants are described. This review critically discusses why some health claims based on in vitro antioxidant data and clinical studies and intervention trials are difficult to assess. The review suggests that the beneficial health effects of berries are derived from a multifactorial combination of complex mixtures of abundant phenolic components, antioxidants, and their metabolites acting synergistically or additively with other nutrients like fibers and vitamins and possibly by modulating the gut microbiota.