Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Onubi H., Hassan A., Carpio M. (2023)

Bridging the Gap between Perceived Pro-Environmental Benefits and Pro-Environmental Behavior: Mediating Roles of Green Work Climate and Pro-Environmental Training

Volumen : 39
Número : 2
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


Recent initiatives from the government, nongovernmental organizations, and professional bodies in the Nigerian construction industry to encourage pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs) have created awareness on the benefits of engaging in PEB. However, PEB on construction sites in Nigeria remains low. This study explored the effect of perceived pro-environmental benefits (PPEBs) on PEB among construction site managers in Nigeria, and the mechanism through which PPEBs can lead to PEB through pro-environmental training (PET) and green work climate (GWC). A total of 257 usable responses were obtained from a survey of construction project managers and evaluated using the structural equation modeling method. The results obtained indicate that PPEBs had no significant effect on PEB, whereas PET and GWC fully mediated the relationship between PPEBs and PEB. This study’s findings fill existing gaps in the literature and provide academicians, policymakers, and construction industry practitioners with in-depth knowledge of other variables such as PET and GWC, through which PPEBs can translate into PEB on construction project sites.