Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Timo Betcke, Elwin van ‘t Wout, and Pierre Gélat, «Computationally Efficient Boundary Element Methods for High-Frequency Helmholtz Problems in Unbounded Domains.» Chapter 9 in Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems, part of the series Geosystems Mathematics, Birkhäuser Basel, pp 215-243, 2017. (2017)

Computationally Efficient Boundary Element Methods for High-Frequency Helmholtz Problems in Unbounded Domains

Revista : Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems
Páginas : 215-243
Tipo de publicación : Otros Ir a publicación


This chapter presents the application of the boundary element method to high-frequency Helmholtz problems in unbounded domains. Based on a standard combined integral equation approach for sound-hard scattering problems we discuss the discretization, preconditioning and fast evaluation of the involved operators. As engineering problem, the propagation of high-intensity focused ultrasound fields into the human rib cage will be considered. Throughout this chapter we present code snippets using the open-source Python boundary element software BEM++ to demonstrate the implementation.