Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Salinas D., Zegard T. (2021)

Discontinuity layout optimization using unstructured meshes and material layering in 2D

Revista : Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Volumen : 65
Número : 156
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


The “discontinuity layout optimization” (DLO) is a method that numerically approximates the critical failure surface in soils, concrete, and materials alike.The method approximates the critical failure surface using straight discontinuity segments in a piecewise manner.These segments are selected through an optimization problem from a highly redundant network of pre-generated discontinuities.The method’s lack of popularity is partly due to the difficulty in generating a sufficiently rich solution space, i.e., redundant discontinuity network.This problem is augmented when various material layers compose the analysis domain; a common setting in geotechnical engineering.This work proposes a novel discontinuity generation method which allows for unstructured and irregular domains, including different material layers in said domain.In addition, this works proposes extensions to the standard DLO formulation allowing to: (1) consider the groundwater effect (seepage analysis), and (2) calculate the critical safety factor of a problem.