Guidelines to Address Talent Management in Chilean Construction Companies
Tipo de publicación : Conferencia No A* ni AAbstract
The high and permanent rotation in the construction industry has led organizations to consider talent capture and retention as crucial; however, they do not accurately comprehend how to incorporate them into their management practices. Accordingly, this paper will show a research on six companies of this field, for which Lean constitutes an essential part in their practices. The main objective is to explore the notion that companies have concerning Talent Management and to inquire about their management practices and the collaborators views, identified as talents. The study is exploratory. Semi-structured interviews with the areas of Human Resources and surveys to collaborators identified as Talents were considered for the data collection process. Both dimensions were offset each other in order to generate a matrix that maps different intervention needs. Results analysis reveals that many participating companies do not hold a clear representation or standardization of Talent management practices, but rather these are carried out based on individual needs. Additionally, the need for a common definition of Talent that suits these organizations is emphasized; therefore, the final part of this study focuses on identifying the issues detected in the literature that should be incorporated in this definition, such as leadership and motivation