Image-based automatic wind velocity profiler for adaptive optics
Número : 2
Páginas : 1679-1687
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación
Adaptive optics (AO) systems correct optical phase aberrations of the incoming light generated by the atmosphere. To do so simultaneous estimators of the atmospheric turbulence parameters are required. For the family of wide-field AO (WFAO) systems, this information must be stratified in altitude. Among these vectorized estimations, wind profiling in altitude is needed for the reduction of temporal errors in AO loops or for the estimation of turbulence coherence time. This paper proposes a turbulence wind profiler called image processing based peak tracking algorithm (ipta). ipta is an image-processing based approach that automatically and reliably estimates wind velocity for several turbulent layers along the line of sight. The estimation of each wind layer is achieved by tracking peaks produced in cross-correlation maps from pairs of wavefront sensors (WFSs) slopes using the technique known as SLODAR (slope detection and ranging). Results for simulated and on-sky WFS data sets demonstrate that ipta outperforms one of the state of the art wind profiler methods [the profiler covariance parametrization of wind velocity (CAW)] in terms of accuracy and speed. Results also show that, in terms of execution time, our method scales better when the number of WFS lenslets is increased. Being an open source and reliable tool, we believe ipta can be a useful wind profiler for the AO community.