Power Shift: Decarbonization and the New Dynamics of Energy Markets
Revista : EnergiesVolumen : 18
Número : 3
Páginas : 752
Tipo de publicación : Revistas Ir a publicación
This paper examines the transformative effects of decarbonization on electricity market design, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities posed by the rapid integration of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. It analyzes the evolution of key wholesale market segmentsincluding day-ahead, real-time, capacity, long-term purchase agreements, ancillary services, and transmission marketshighlighting their critical roles in managing the variability of renewable energy generation through efficient price signals and resource coordination. Variable renewable energy integration introduces significant operational challenges, including overgeneration risks, ramping capacity demands, forecast inaccuracies, and transmission constraints. Addressing these issues requires enhanced market flexibility, dynamic pricing mechanisms, and advanced real-time balancing strategies. This paper assesses these challenges, offering strategies to align generation with demand and optimize market outcomes. As electricity systems evolve, legacy market structures must adapt to incorporate carbon-free resources while maintaining grid reliability and economic sustainability. By exploring case studies such as Chile and California, this paper demonstrates the importance of targeted innovations in market design, regulatory frameworks, and operational technologies. It advocates for a holistic approach to ensure a reliable, affordable, and equitable transition to a decarbonized energy future.