Quantification of enzymatic browning kinetics in pear slices using non-homogeneous L*color information from digital images. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2009.03.011
Revista : LWT-Food Science and TechnologyVolumen : 42
Número : 8
Páginas : 1367-1373
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación
A “fractal browning indicator” (FBI) methodology is presented describing enzymatic browning based on irregular color patterns from digital pear slice surface images. It uses the Fourier fractal texture images to calculate a fractal dimension (FD) value in a selected area of the image, which represents the complexity of color distribution (lightness or L*) in the area analyzed. During the procedure, colors from digital images were first transformed to L*a*b* space color using a transformation function, in order to derivate a lightness color parameter (L*). Experiments were carried out in three pear cultivars: Packham pear (PP); Hosui Asiatic pear (AP) and Berries Pear (BP). During the kinetics, the L* decreased when the FD increased, indicating a greater complexity in the distribution of the L* values in a selected analyzed area, during enzymatic browning kinetics, for all cultivars. The empirical power-law model was suitable for correlating enzymatic browning kinetics dat both for the FBI and the traditional method (L* mean value of used). However, enzymatic browning reates for PP cultivars, using the BFI method, were 25 times higher than tha rates obtained with the traditional method; and 4 times higher for other cultivars respectively. The empirical non first-order was estabished (for all cultivars for the FBI and traditional methods.