Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Navarrete I., Valdes J., Lopez M., Vargas F. (2023)

Replacement of pozzolanic blended cement by supplementary cementitious materials: Mechanical and environmental approach

Revista : Construction and Building Materials
Volumen : 394
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


Pozzolanic blended cements, used in several markets, can be mixed with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to improve environmental performance keeping a similar compressive strength. Many SCMs are industrial byproducts that do not require intensive processing. Six industrial byproducts were studied as replacement of pozzolanic blended cement. Reactivity, compressive strength, and environmental performance were measured. Results showed that the use of SCMs as partial replacement for pozzolanic blended cement increases the reactivity of cement and, therefore, the compressive strength of cementitious pastes. Furthermore, environmental results showed beneficial or detrimental effects depending on replacement level, compressive strength, and CO2 footprint of each SCM.