Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Vaillant G., Prieto C., Kolbitsch C., Penney G. and Schaeffter T. (2014)

Retrospective rigid motion correction in k-space for segmented radial MRI.

Revista : IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Volumen : 33
Número : 1
Páginas : 1-10
Tipo de publicación : ISI Ir a publicación


Motion occurring during MRI acquisition is a major factor of image quality degradation. Self-navigation can help reduce artefacts by estimating motion from the acquired data to enable motion correction. Popular self-navigation techniques rely on the availability of a fully-sampled motion-free reference to register the motion corrupted data with. In the proposed technique, rigid motion parameters are derived using the inherent correlation between radial segments in k-space. The registration is performed exclusively in k-space using the Phase Correlation Method, a popular registration technique in computer vision. Robust and accurate registration has been carried out from radial segments composed of as few as 32 profiles. Successful self-navigation has been performed on 2-Dimensional dynamic brain scans corrupted with continuous motion for 6 volunteers. Retrospective motion correction using the derived self-navigation parameters resulted in significant improvement of image quality compared to the conventional sliding window. This work also demonstrates the benefits of using a bit-reversed ordering scheme to limit undesirable effects specific to retrospective motion correction on radial trajectories. This method provides a fast and efficient mean of measuring rigid motion directly in k-space from dynamic radial data under continuous motion.